
Cindy McCain goes to Georgia with Cheney: Anyone see the contrast with a political Wife ashamed of America?

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  1. Cindy will be a fine First Lady----and will grace the White House with charm and dignity. she is a fine person and has much experience in dealing with foreign dignitaries in her active roles in organizations that go in and find and destroy abandoned land-mines to make the lands safe for it's peoples. And in the organization she founded and helped to fund that helps children in 3rd world countries get operations they need to survive. I could go on and on about this fine lady's accomplishments and perhaps one day ----the media might even tell of her fine attributes. ---She is a far cry from an elitist.  

  2. She had to go.

    It's her plane.

  3. What in the h**l are you talking about?  Get yourself a loofah.  You deserve it.

  4. After last night's specticle, it is even easier to compare and contrast these two very different women.

    Cindy McCain grew up in a hard working middle class family that became very successful in business. This had nothing to do with her marrage, as John McCain was already a hero, not yet a politician, and her family was not yet rich. No one was using anyone else! Cindy McCain owns most of those houses, and 3 of then are used for family less fortunate than themselves.

    Michelle Obama was brought up as a radical black, who spent most f her life ashamed of America, and now eagerly awaits her husbands coronation!

    And has appearently forgotten that her half brother-in-law could occationally use even a freakin sandwich, while Cindy lends inlaws and siblings homes to live in!

    What a contrast! And Cindy McCain wins hands down!

  5. McCain offered up Cindy for the topless beauty contest in Sturgis.  Is there another one in Georgia?  Or maybe Cindy is the bribe McCain if offering.  Considering McCain's obvious disdain for women I wouldn't be a bit surprised.

  6. Yes, it is a very fine contrast.  Cindy McCain is a hero, Michelle Osama is a ZERO.

  7. Big difference. One loves America, the other is ashamed we are not a marxist paradise.

  8. How would America react if Russia was arming America’s neighbors and building military bases on our borders in Canada and Mexico? Or suppose Russia made attempts to incite ethnic tensions in the United States among our ethnic minorities. What would be our reaction? How are the Russians supposed to react?

    America has now agreed to position advanced anti-ballistic missile systems in Poland. This act is in complete violation of weapons agreements between America and Russia. With a straight face, American government officials and media pundits tell us that the missile system is only to protect Europe from an attack by Iran!

    To learn the truth about that lie all one has to do is look at the map!

    Poland is in the far north and East of Europe. Go to the Internet and launch a Google map of Euro-Asia. Look at it!

    Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania, Bosnia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Italy, Slovenia, Slovakia, Austria, and Czech Republic are far more in line with a supposed missile attack from Iran. And, from any of those states it would be far easier to defend Europe from an alleged Iranian missile.

    But Poland is right on a direct line between Moscow and Western Europe, an accident, right?

    The Russians are not that stupid to believe that the American missiles will be aimed at Iran.

    Georgian Minister of defense has a double, Israeli-Georgian, citizenship. Last year Israel has modernized Georgian armory,tanks,aircrafts... Was it coincidense ?

    Problem is that with the media controlled by the Jewish extremist warmongers, Americans are too stupid, or I should say too much media-induced ignorance to even know what’s really going on!

  9. I wouldn't be seen dead with Cheney. How embarrassing can she be.

  10. ah, I don't care

    But i do care that mrs oboma is nearly a marxist and has only been proud of her country when her hubby got nominated for president.

    We need Hillary, We really need Hillary

    There will be masses of democrats who will lie about who they vote for in the polls.

    Who cares that this will be our first black president. That means we are freeking making a deal abuot color. I don't care the color of the canidate, it is the person, the experience, the honesty, the work they have done and can do.

    AGAIN we need Hillary Clinton. I will vote Republican just to keep the Politically Correct Democrat party's choice.

    And Americans have kept votin in Republicans.

    Oboma has no real foriegn diplomacy experience. He will like all other presidents listen to the experts and he will be no different than Bush.

    The real problem with the  country is the lack of working together as parties.  It is the name calling and not really adressing issues.

  11. Byron - you are forgetting which side won the Civil War...In fact, THIS government was built on freeing slaves.....

  12. I hope it wasn't a hunting trip he took her on. ;o

  13. Cindy McCain is making a difference, not telling us what a lousy Country we are. My vote is for The McCains in the white House.  

  14. Hmmmm...Cindy and d**k...I'd have never figured.

  15. Any freedom loving American should be ashamed of America! It was built on slavery, and still thrives on racism! I love my country, but I am not at all proud of her history!

    And challenging an unjust system IS American!


  16. Mrs. Obama is too busy "convincing" the world that Barack should be the President.

  17. I see michelle didn't cheat on her first husband like cindy did. Wonder if cindy is going to divorce john for d**k?

  18. Cindy, reminds me of the "Stepford Wives" and reminds me of Bree on Desperate House Wives....There is no comparison, when you are born with a silver spoon in your mouth.  I find it interesting that they are going to Economically depressed areas, while telling America If you don't have $5 million Dollars you are not middle class. He is Out of touch with average Americans, while ignoring the facts that discrimination among Average Americans Still Does Exists.

  19. Which one of them convinced the georgians to hit osettia, knowing what the Rusky response would be?...... That was great, now all the little eastern european nations will line up to buy our weapons! KA CHING!  YA military industrial complex!!!!!!!

  20. No. I see a candidate so intent on getting into the White House he sends his wife into a war zone for publicity purposes.

    Poor Cindy.

    Cheney? He's probably taken his duck hunting gun with him.

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