
Circumcised and uncut? Serious question.?

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Ive always wondered what the differences (other then the appearance) of the male p***s with being circumcised or not.

I want to know whats the major differences between the two and why

The pros and cons with the two.

I always wondered whats up with that.

I'm looking for serious answers, if your too immature to talk about this, then please don't bother answering.




  1. You have gotten some good answers, I just wanted to add that caring for an intact (uncut) boy is very easy.  No matter what anyone tries to tell you, you don't need to (and should never) retract or pull back the f******n of a boy to clean underneath.  It is connected to the head of the p***s like your fingernails are to your fingers, so pulling it back would feel about the same as that - pretty painful!  (On a side note, they have to rip that apart during the circumcision too, before they can slice, clamp, crush and cut off the f******n)  These connections will dissolve over time, usually by puberty, and then the boy can begin to pull the skin back in the shower and wash gently with water and maybe some mild soap, and then put the skin back down.  Very easy.

    It is the retraction and overzealous cleaning under the f******n that causes most of the problems in small boys and makes doctors tell parents that they have to be circumcised.  If you care for it properly (leave it alone, let the boy be the only one to retract it) the f******n is no more likely to have problems than any other part of the body.

    Obviously, I believe it is much better for the boy to be left intact.  There are no good reasons to have them cut, and there are lots of benefits to leaving them whole.  The f******n has important sexual and immune functions, and removing it is painful, carries risks, and can have life-long consequences for the boy.

  2. Uncircumcised, the f******n can trap dirt, cotton fibers, and...fluids around the base of the glans (head). So you have to clean fairly well, but it's not really that big of a deal. So I guess that's a con for being uncut.

    However, the f******n also covers the sensitive area around the base of the glans and protects it from rubbing on your clothing. Over time, rubbing on everything could desentitize all the fun parts, and take away some sexual sensation. Which in my book, is a con for circumcision.

    Appearance isn't really a pro or con...they look roughly the same erect anyway.

    I figure, the design of the p***s is so strange, that it's better not to mess with it. For that reason, I'm uncircumcised and my son will be also.

  3. Notwithstanding medical reasons, I personally see no point to being cut. Hygiene is a cinch provided you clean it daily AND don't eat loads of junk food, drink plenty of water, exercise, R & R, etc. Otherwise, it's more or less the same, and seems to be a cosmetic choice, if not a 'trend' one.

    For instance, in the USA, getting cut is a BIG deal, inasmuch as many guys do it, but in most other western countries, we don't.  

  4. basically circumcision is done to increase the time of ejection,

    because removal of the f******n of the p***s reduces the sensitivity of the head of the p***s, which helps in prolonged ejection of sperms.

  5. Circumcision is where the f******n is removed, it's the loose continuating of shaft skin covering the glans, but different amounts are removed depending on the circumcision. Most men don't get it done because there's no reason for it. If you look up pics online you can see. Guys who haven't been circumcised have more sexual sensation.


  6. Well you obviously know the anatomical difference, but as far as function and all that, there really isnt any pros or cons. The only thing you need to look out for being uncircumsized is smegma and such building up inbetween the f******n and the glans p***s as this could cause a  urethra infection/

    There really isnt anything else, although most people (90% or so) still chose to circumsize their babies.

  7. The only advantage of circumcision goes to the doctors, who make money from it and are frequently members of the minority religions that try to impose this practice on others.

    Circumcision is genital mutilation, it is abnormal and unnatural.

    It destroys sexual sensitivity, and diminishes sexual ability, as well as the size of the p***s.     When you slice material off of an item, be it a p***s or a potato, that object is smaller.

  8. i prefer Circumcised

  9. there are health benefits argued for circumcision, the problem is they never hold up

    originally it was mental problems/ masturbation - proven false

    then it was penile cancer - and a small advantage at that, so small in fact even the american cancer society does not recommend listing it as a benefit due to the risk of circumcision damage exceeding the risk of cancer

    then it was STD's (most recently aids), it has been proven wrong as well by the vast majority of studies, with a few showing it has benefits (tthere are also studies that show female circumcision is effective against aids)

    it does reduce the risk of phimosis and eases cleaning but it's like removing an arm because of an ingrown nail, there are non-invasive treatments to cure it

    as much as we want to to believe doctors know everything they don't, I have talked to doctors and nurses that say it wasn't even discussed as to pros/cons just how to do it

    I wish my parents hadn't chosen it for me, when I found out about it I read everything I could, I know tons of information about and have read both pro and anti circumcision websites, I really wanted to believe it was good, but the truth just isn't there, you see and hear all these claims but if you ask for the actual study nobody has them or they are so old and used invalid techniques and would not even be considered for publishing, I wanted to believe it was good but if you look at both sides, circumcising without an immediate medical need makes no sense at all.

    I did f******n restoration restoring what was left (they do leave some f******n) but it's not all restorable, but what I was able to get back was great. but this came at a price, I can no longer see circumcision as cosmetic or as if it does not really matter, things that I thought were normal I only realized were problems after I restored and no longer had them, sexual enjoyment is way up. I can't imagine how much better the real thing is.

    people have said in relation to sexual pleasure




    and from my experience I agree with the cut/restored numbers

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