
Circumcision Help? ?

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So! My f******n is extremely tight and so is me banjo string.

Should i get circumcised to resolve this problem, and i know one day my banjo will snap and i will be in BAD pain.

Where i come from and at my age i would get years of stick for getting circumcised but i dont care if it benefits me in the long run.. so

1) should i get circumcised?

2) do you need parental permission?

3) is it true that that you gain a few extra inches?

Please help im unsure. Oh and im 14 btw. cheers




  1. Let me first say that I was circ'ed by birth and I am neither pro- nor anti-circumcision.  Before you go any further considering circumcision, you really should consult with your doctor.  I don't believe you should get circ'ed unless you really have a problem.  Talk to your doctor and your parents.

  2. The benefits of circumcision are that the doctor makes money from it, and frequently is a member of the minority religious groups that try to impose this on others, and the minority religious groups will claim another victim.

    Circumcision is male genital mutilation.    It always damages the p***s and sexual ability together with destroying at least 50% or more of sexual sensitivity, which will continue to lessen throughout the victim's life.

    l.   You don't know what the drawbacks are, and you're too young to realize the consequences fully.

    2.   Yes, you need permission.

    3.    Circumcision will not affect penile length.    It will decrease the girth by a double layer of skin all around, in fact four layers in diameter.

    Type in phimosis on your browser.   You will find a site called CIRP, which has treatments for your condition that don't involve the drastic mutilation of circumcision.

    As far as your "banjo string" snapping, it would be far less painful than having half of your penile skin amputated, with about six weeks to heal, and then a couple of months of unbelievable supersensitive glans rubbing against clothing to cope with.

    The skin movement that you have now would be gone; erections would be tight, and possibly painful and distorted because of circumcision.

    They ALWAYS remove too much skin, regardless even if you ask them.

    Complications from circumcision can include gangrene, catastrophic infections like MRSA, Staph and Strep, and it can result in partial to complete sexual dysfunction.

    One treatment for extreme phimosis is called a dorsal slit, and it isn't offered by many doctors because they prefer to mutilate men.

    It surgically cuts a small incision in the f******n to allow for retraction, and this isn't as drastic as circumcision, and the healing time is much faster.

    You can contact NOCIRC, and look at the CIRCUMSTITIONS site for more information, also.     For your own sake and your future s*x life, you need to be careful about what you decide and look into this thoroughly before you do something permanent that you could regret.

    As a victim of circumcision, it destroyed my s*x life, with more than the usual nerve damage.    I couldn't achieve o****m in normal s*x, and am restoring my f******n.

    Oh, and while your sensitivity will be reduced, intensity of orgasms will also decrease.

    A f******n is not a birth defect; it is a birthright.

  3. Dont get circumsised, it can cause many, many problems and doesnt make you p***s look bigger.

    you should pull it back everytime you urinate, that way you will keep stretching it, so that eventually it will go back all the way.

    Try not to use soap it will only irritate it . use warm water until you can fully retract it. it it doesn't retract after a few months. you should see an urologist, that's a p***s doctor.

    Only then consider Circumcison

  4. If you are 14, then you need parental permission.  First thing you should do is have your parents take you to see an urologist, thats a p***s doctor.  Tell you parents that your p***s hurts and you want the doctor to examine it.  Also tell them tha tyou can no longer clean your p***s properly and it stays dirty.  

    you dont gain extra inches from circumcision.

    Circumcision is not a painful operation anymore.  it takes about 30 minutes. with local anesthetic and dissolving sutures.

    Here are the best two circumcisers in the United States;

    Look at their websites and see what they have to say

    Main website for Dr. Reed's "The Reed Center":

    Patient comments, Dr. Reed:

    Yahoo group for Dr. Reed:

    Main website for Dr. Cornell's "Circumcision Center":

    Patient comments, Dr. Cornell:

    Yahoo group for Dr. Cornell:

    here are some sites for information on circumcision styles and methods used.  Yes, there are different styles.

  5. Yes you should get circumcised. why would you not get circumcised when it will fix your problems? You can get a doctor to do it without parental consent. gaining inches is not true sorry about that buddy.

  6. You need permission from your parents.  You also need to make sure you have a good urologist to do this procedure & you will feel MUCH better!  Good luck!

  7. 1) Circumcision should be a last resort, as there are easier, cheaper and less painful ways of treating a tight f******n, such as steroid creams obtainable from your doctor and stretching exercises, as shown in the link below:

    2) At your age, yes, you'd need parental permission.

    3) No, your p***s will not get bigger if you get circumcised. Whoever told you that is misinformed. If anything, your girth would be reduced, because you are LOSING part of your d**k.

  8. No, don't do this as the losses are major and there are other treatments to try first. Here's a link to my detailed stretching instructions.

    Stretching almost always fixes a tight f******n opening and often works of the banjo string too. If the banjo string (frenulum) won't stretch there is a simple operation called a frenuloplasty that lengthens the frenulum with a z-shaped cut, without removing any sensitive tissue. Recovery takes a week or two instead of months.

    Adult males lose 15 square inches (40 square centimetres) of skin in circumcision, over half the skin of your p***s. You lose the gliding action as it slides on itself during masturbation and s*x. You will suffer bruising, perhaps some bleeding, and the swelling from the disruption to the lymph system goes on for up to six months. Removing the f******n turns the surface of the glans from an inner mucosal membrane to outside skin. Newly circumcised adults usually go through some weeks of intense discomfort as the glans is constantly exposed to rubbing on clothing, until it develops a thicker keratin layer and becomes less sensitive. You must abstain from ALL sexual activity for an average of six weeks. Some men like the final result but others complain of loss of sensation and miss being able to slide their f******n over the glans. Circumcised guys often have little or no movable skin left and are forced to m********e using lube or rubbing dry, without the loose skin. There is no going back if you don’t like the result.

    A recent study has shown real differences in fine touch sensitivity between circumcised and intact penises and that the most sensitive parts of the intact p***s are those that would be removed by circumcision.

    The claimed benefits of circumcision are a beat up (based on flawed studies) and don't really exist but medical authorities have worked out that the overall complication rate is higher than all the benefits claimed by the pro-cutting advocates.

    Many women who get to interact sexually with an intact p***s prefer the natural state. Don’t do this to yourself just to fit in. Be proud of your whole and natural body.

  9. Yes, I do feel you should get circumcised if you're ready for it, but you do need parental consent for it. If you explain to your parents why you want to be circumcised, I'm sure they'll get you circumcised. You don't really grow longer by circumcision, though it may appear longer because you don't have the skin hiding it. Hope this helps.

  10. You'll be in bad pain if you get circumcised!

    Stretching and a steroid cream usually fixes a tight f******n for good. If you're only 14, it's common that it's tight, and it will probably get better as you age. I suggest you try pulling your f******n back as far as you can each day in the bath/shower, and if necessary see your doctor and ask about betamethasone cream.

    If your frenulum (banjo string) is too short/tight, there are treatments available that aren't circumcision. The doctor can loosen the frenulum (frenuloplasty) or even remove it if it's serious (frenectomy). But you probably just have a normal tight f******n due to your age and it will get better. Masturbation helps too!

    I really wouldn't recommend circumcision because it's overkill for something like this, should be the last resort, you'll be in pain and you'll lose sexual sensation. Yes, you would need parental permission. No, it doesn't change the size except remove a bit of girth from the f******n.


  11. If you absolutely need to then go ahead get it done, all procedures on minors do have to be approved by parents, unless the procedure is life or death. So in your case yes you need parental permission. No it will not add a few inches. It just makes it appear bigger.
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