
Circumcision first week of school! Ahhhh, I'm 16.

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I have no idea what it will be like but it must be done. Anyone care to tell about it? I was told it only takes 10 minutes, but you must be put asleep for it. Approximately 10 days to heal, and they say 7 days off school. It's being done the day before school starts, so I'll be missing some days. What should I tell people? Haha. Not the truth lol.




  1. Must be done?     Totally untrue.    Circumcision is NEVER necessary or desirable.   It damages the p***s and sexual ability.    It diminishes the p***s in girth and causes diminishing sensitivity which will continue for the remainder of the victim's life.

    If there are other problems with the f******n, they all can be treated without the drastic mutilation of circumcision.   Few doctors offer these treatments as they make money from circumcision and frequently are members of the minority religious groups that try to impose this practice on others.

    Type CIRP on your browser and you will see alternative treatments for problems with the f******n.    

    A natural, normal and whole p***s feels and functions better than a mutilated, scarred and partial one.

    Are you ashamed of having a whole p***s?    Why would you want to conceal this from people.

    Certainly getting mutilated is nothing to be proud of, but being a whole man is.

    A f******n is not a birth defect; it is a birthright.

  2. First of all, the operation could be done with a local anesthestic, no need for general anesthesia.  Secondly you will find that you will be able to go to school probably the very next day, no need to miss that amount of school.  You may experience some sensitivity around the head of the p***s, but if you just put some light gauze around it to prevent rubbing against your clothes, or if you wear an athletic supporter (jock) that would prevent that.  You should refrain from gym class for about a week.  Remember each person heals at a different rate, so it may heal quicker or even longer.  Just make sure all stitches are disolved and out at around days 5-7.  Remember that most doctors take in account the "worst case scenario" and would recommend all that time to heal or stay out of school.  Just use your own judgement, if you can walk comfortably etc, there is no reason for you to remain at home.  You could just tell people you had minor surgery to remove a cyst or something like that.  

  3. Just tell people you were sick. If they ask you more tell them to mind their own business

  4. I don't get that it MUST be done. What flimsy reason did they give you. There is NO reason to have it done to you except some think they know it alls want to do this to you. It is wrong & you should have a right to say NO to then doing this to you.

  5. I don't want to confuse you, but I am not circumcised, and I would never do it. I have normal sexual life. If you like to have more information about it, go to youtube and write circumcision have a look and decide! I wouldn't do it man!  

  6. Tell them you had to have a minor medical procedure and it prevented you from being able to attend school. If they press you on it tell them the matter is private and leave it at that.

  7. i had it done a few weeks after i was born. but i would not tell them what you had done. say you were on vaction or you had a fever or the flu. dont worry it will be worth it in the end.

  8. we f******n reestorers can regrow inches of skin, you are saying you can't regrow a centimeter or whatever you need, it can always betreated without cutting if you want to cure it that way

    have you done the stretching for a while as recommended, have you tried the topical steroid cream?

  9. Well actually to fully heal it will take a 2-4 weeks. I told my friends the truth  as they knew I was uncut and they were all very supportive and actually made a bit of a party out of it as I had it done on my 18th birthday! In your place, tell them you had to have your appendix removed!

    The first week after being fully healed I nailed 3 girls that originally freaked out about me being uncut....LOL!  

  10. Simple, just state that you went to a wedding that's out of this country.

  11. The procedure takes about 30-45 minutes using dissolvable sutures and a local anesthetic.  they rarely put you to sleep if you are here in the USA.  You will experience some discomfort but not much pain if any. keep your legs elevated for about 24 hrs. this helps reduce the swelling.  If someone asks just tell them the truth and that it had to be done.  hey maybe one of the ladies might want to see your boo boo.  anyway you might want to buy yourself a pair of speedo type material shorts or compression shorts like helly hansern underarmour shorts.  these will keep the head of your p***s from rubbing and irritating until it desensitizes.

    here are a coupe of good sites for good info on adult circumcision;

    here is a group that discusses adult circ. Over 1000 members circumcised as adults.

  12. you'll be fine

    and no not the truth lol

  13. If you trust them enough to tell them then do. Getting the burden of a secret of your chest can be very relieving.. If you do not wish to tell people simply say you came down with a nasty bug or shingles (A form of chicken pox)

    Hope it helps!

    P.S. If you are the one that decided you wanted a circumcision review it thouroughly so you don't regret it later.. It can be very painful and stressing.. Normally circumcisions are done while in young years because babies don't normally feel as much pain..

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