
Circumcision .... one more question... on the debate...?

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I've now posted several questions asking about Circumcision in both males and females. In America it is the norm to circumcise a boy. We do this as part of our Culture, and even if we are not Jewish we do it for "looks". It's routinely done and accepted as "OK". I then asked about female circumcision, because it's done in parts of Africa. Most Americans replied saying "That's genital mutilation! It's done so women can't have pleasure! I don't agree with it! and.. some said... males being circumcised is for cleanliness, that's different!"

Ok... here's my question...

If the most sensitive part of a female's s**y parts is her clitoris, and the most sensitive part of a male's s**y parts is his f******n (it's been proven to be as sensitive as the clitoris) then, how is it any different? We are removing the most sensitive parts of our sons, for no good reason,... really.. many doctors in the USA are against circumcision now because they now realize how wrong it is. Thing about it, and please give feedback. We are doing genital mutilation on our boys on a routine basis and acting like it's "OK"... people, it's not... I hope you all research it. Males included. I'm totally fine with it if a man who's over 18 wants to do it to himself, but to make the decision for a newborn boy... I just don't think you are giving your son a chance to decide for himself.. I mean, what choice does he have at 2 days old? You're going to do it to him regardless....

I challenge everyone to research this. Google: f******n Function.

Our country needs to wake up and realize what's going on... this isn't "normal". Normal, is being born 100% whole and natural and keeping your genital integrity (intact). That's normal.

I've had my say and I definitely want to hear from everyone and I need to collect opinions. It's just not fair to you if I don't give mine too.




  1. When I watch my godson suffer, even from an immaculately cleaned p***s from horrible infections and blisters on his f******n, I don't care if it's the holy grail of sexual organs -- He doesn't deserve to suffer. You may think it's wrong, but other's don't. I don't. It's all up to the mother. If she wants her son circumcised, she is well within her right to request it. My godson is 2 and suffers terribly from it. Doctors say that even when it's cleaned properly, he will still suffer.

    What say you now? You're trying to change other people's opinions while you're sitting there high and mighty that yours is right.

    My boyfriend isn't cut and he sometimes has problems during s*x with it stretching and rubbing oddly. It's fixable, but sometimes not always pleasurable for him.

    There are pros and cons to both.  

  2. I agree.  It is just ridiculous to have body mutilation tradition in this day and age.

    I would not allow my boy to be circumcised.

    My wife wanted him to be, but I had to put my foot down.

    Somethings just are not right.

  3. You're wasting your time with a pointless debate honey. You may not believe in hygienic practices and circumcision, but many people do (myself included).

    Regardless of how much you debate this subject, I'll still be proud that I had my son circumcised at 2 days old -- and I will circumcise every other son I ever have (if I decide to have more children).

    Live and let live.. you keep your sons skin intact, I'll have mine trimmed to avoid illness in the long run.

    We'll both win in the end if we can just accept each other's differences.

  4. i m circumsised but i dont know if it is good or not but its really bad for masturbation

  5. This is the kind of common sense needed to shake up the nonsensical status quo.  You are so right!

  6. Did you ask this question yet?

    Do any men that have been circumcised wish they had never been?

    If you did ask it and I just didn't catch it I apologize. I haven't met a man that wished he wasn't thats all. I certainly don't wish to be curcumised myself but I do see your point. It is the same.

    After I had my son circumsised I cried and said I will never put any other child of mine through that again. But at the same time I do think he will be glad I did when he gets older. At least until things change and it is more accepted.

    I do think if I ever have another son I won't be able to do it. It seemed too cruel the way it was done.

  7. I think your point is absolutely correct and well taken. In the US, mutilation of boys is done routinely, without any real good reason. The hype about f******n being breeding ground for virus etc is baloney, as long as one takes care of personal hyegine. The f******n is a sensitive area and to make choices for newborn boys by chopping off part of their p***s is barbaric.

    It is just part of the social norm to do it and that is why this practice is still common.

  8. AGREED!

  9. * She Knows *, I find it interesting you bring up, "you make your choice I'll make mine"... when really, neither of you are making your own choice, you are making a choice about your son's body... and in your case, forcing him to be the way you prefer.  You are right everyone deserves to make their own choice, but your son should be no exception.

    Cleanliness?  Give my a break, most of the problems intact kids and adults have are from people being overly worried about being "clean".  Parents pulling back their son's f******n to clean underneath before it separates NATURALLY which causes tears, redness, soreness, phimosis, and infection.  Not to mention, parents, teens, and adults overusing soap and causing infections and other issues.  If people would research proper care, especially many doctors, this whole issue would disappear.  The example "Atheist" brings up, is a prime example where this could have been the main issue.

    Besides, even if you took a total PRO stance and ignored counter studies, in the short run circumcision isn't worth it for an infant because of of surgical issues.  If you continued to take a total PRO stance, the only time it would become worth it is after he is able to decide for himself... which could be 15-20 years, or even more... plenty of time for the conflicting studies to "clear up" and for him to make up his own mind.

    As a side note, people always bring up the sensitivity for the man, but how does changing the shaftskin from being mobile to immobile affect the woman?  Surely lack of lubrication would be an issue, what about increased friction?  Lube can only go so far.  And not only s*x, a mobile skin would not only make masturbation easier, but hand jobs/oral as well.

    Terry, are you serious?  Your defense is, you wont miss what you wont get to experience?  Women that have had some form of mutilation, even the "lesser" kind certainly can have emotional and psychological damage.  I doubt they rest easy at night knowing they never got to experience what it is like to be WHOLE.  Also, you bring up conflicting studies that apply to an ADULT, not infant, are you sure you want to take that bet for you son?  As for the pain issue, yes circumcision is painful, but what is worse, the experience of pain or remembering that you had it?  As an infant they recieve minimal pain meds because the "good stuff" is dangerous.. yes he wont remember it, but you are assuming (at least) two things.  1. most people left intact would want to/or need to be circed later 2. that children circed as infants wont suffer from emotional/psychological damage.  And neither of these are the case.

    Blue Rose, despite you shouldn't force your religious belief upon your child with a permanent controversial procedure (this isn't simply going to sunday school)... circumcision is not needed for christians.  Paul's writings make this pretty clear.

  10. There's not much difference.

    The reasons for both are often the same - cleaner, looks better, more likely to find a partner etc.

    Some forms of clitoral stimulation only involve removing the clitoral hood, which is the same as the f******n, not the whole clitoris. Plus, even with the clitoris removed girls can o****m which is what people say of guys who have no f******n - but they have still lost some pleasure!

    But people rationalise what they are doing and view the other behaviour as wrong, when both are just cultural oddities.

    Another excuse is that FGM is often done in unsterile conditions - yes in Africa, but in Africa male circumcision is done under those same conditions and males get infected and die. Whereas in some countries in Asia FGM is done by doctors in hospitals.


  11. Well I haven't done a lot of research on Female Circumcision but I think the minor ones are ok if you want. Definitely not the ones that completely remove the clitoris or sew up the v****a though.

    Actually, there have been studies that say that circumcision lowers the risk of STI's. Also, some studies say that the f******n is the most sensitive, some say different. So who knows really? There's pros and cons for both. I googled "f******n function"  "circumcision" and "circumcision pros and cons" and got mixed results. And you cant really tell from people who got circumcised later in life because they aren't developing and growing down there anymore and they just got all cut up! Of course it wouldn't feel as good!

    Personally, I'm happy I got circumcised early. It looks better. Plus, I would hate to go through that pain at 18yrs old! Parents have to make choices for their kids because they aren't mature enough to make their own. That's what parenting is. Parents choose houses, food, clothing, environment, everything until the child's on his/her own. And those choices are definitely more important!

    Basically, I think it would be wrong if you HAD to circumcise your kid. But parents just have to make choices for the kids. Besides, if you are circumcised then you won't miss any extra pleasures you never had, assuming that there are those benefits of not being circumcised, because you never felt them. I'm satisfied with the pleasure I get.  

  12. I think it's a personal choice and you do what you think is right for your baby.

    Blue Rose: Didn't God make man in his own image why would he then tell you to chop a piece off your point makes absolutely no sense to me.  

  13. I agree wth u, i would not want to be circumcised without any say so. i feel so sorry for those ppl out in africa. for those who are doing it to these young borns should stop and think. i am not going to do this to my kids.

  14. What quack doctors are you talking to?? Your a female - would you like to have your vaginal lips cut off? They are there to help protect things, anything, soap or hair when your taking a bath - just really anything from going into your v****a. Didn't want to have to s-p-e-l-l it out so much but come on.... The flaps of skin on a male are much different. You havn't even considerd the fact that their "stuff" is outside of their body at all times. To have extra is worse!!  

  15. I agree with you and I have told my niece the same thing.  Unfortunately, I think she had her sons circumcised anyway, but I did try to convince her not to.

  16. You can not compare the unanestized non-surgical disfigurement of a pre-teen female in unclean conditions to the clinical surgical anestized removal of f******n in a male.

  17. My bf isnt circumsized, and I am 37 weeks pregnant, and my bf is totally against our son being circumsized. There is nothing wrong with having a f******n, as long as you keep it clean.

    It wouldnt be there in the first place if it wasnt meant to be. So why cut it off? It's like saying that you dont need your middle toe because grime goes in between and we dont use it.

    I dont think it's necessary. If Jewish people want to continue doing it for cultural reasons that's their choice too, this is only one person's opinion.

  18. As Christians, we (my family) do it because GOD said we should.

  19. I understand what you are saying. The clitoris on the women is a very sensitive part that gives pleasure when stimulated. The TIP of the males p***s is the most sensitive part, not the f******n. But as with anything that is considered "OK" in america others may find unacceptable. What is normal in one culture or religion may not be in others. In my culture it is considered perfectly acceptable to circumcise a male baby at 8 days old. I feel it is perfectly ok to do what you feel is right based on your heritage and your up-bringing.

  20. I am so thankful my Dad stepped in to save my son's f******n.  His words " When the kid is just hitting puberty and he is missing that part of his p***s, what will you say to him?  That you decided for him when he could not speak for himself? "  Although my husband wanted the circumcision, we didn't circumcise my son.  He is now almost 17.  When he was about 13, I told him if he wanted to be circumcised, his Dad and I had decided long ago we would pay for it to be done if he chose it.  Needless to say, my son has made clear that he is happy with what he has, and thanks us for listening to his Grandpa back when it seemed the 'normal' thing to do.

  21. I challenge you to stop posting questions about circumcision.  It's not normal for you to be SO concerned.  If you do not want your baby circed., then you have that option.  No one is forcing you to do anything.

  22. a little food for thought..



    in north america and most other parts of the world what is called circumcision is the trimming off of a small bit of skin from the end of the male p***s....





    in africa what they call female circumcision is actually the removal of the entire clitoris. this is usually done by an older woman ( who is no doctor , and is done without any type of pain killers at about the age of 8 years. ) to make the girl more acceptable for the men who may wish to marry her.the idea is if she cannot feel the pleasure of s*x then she will never cheat on her man.. this is why the male circumcision is done so young.




    speak to a real north american doctor and find out if the f******n is in any danger of infection, the chances are small and cleaning it correctly will almost eliminate any possibility.


    then and only then can you get to the real truth of this very disturbing matter. comparing the 2 makes no sense at doctor i have ever heard of has removed the entire p***s.

    this barbaric mutilation has been dealt with on the Oprah Winfrey show..





  23. My fiance was circumcised as an adult for medical reasons, he said that although along the scar there is less sensation, he really notices no difference in the sensation on the rest of the p***s after he was circumcised. That being said, I'm neither for or against circumcision, I probably won't bother having my sons circumcised because I don't think it's important and I'd rather have one less hospital bill, but you can't base the whole argument on sensation because female sexual pleasure comes from the clitoris and removing it (female circumcision) removes all pleasure. Circumcision of a male may remove some pleasure, but the rest of the p***s still has nerves and feels pleasure after circumcision as well.  

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