
Circumcision (problem)?

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How is it that you Americans living in country which is almost (until recently) virtually totally circumcised, always seem to know of someone who has or had a problem with their f******n. Where as I live in a country where this practise has been virtually eliminated (UK) and yet none of my friend’s male or female has ever heard of anyone ever having a problem and that is a lot of people. So where do all these horror stories come from I strongly believe that they are started by circumcised men which do not want the females of your country to find out just how much more fun s*x can be with an uncircumcised male. Could it be because if girls realised that there is nothing to be afraid of, that all this preconceived rubbish is just that rubbish. Do circumcised men believe that they will be relegated to the back of the queue or some think?




  1. As a guy that has experienced life both uncircumcised, and now circumcised I can assure you that being circumcised is far more beneficial than being uncircumcised. Many people will argue against circumcision if they are indeed uncircumcised themselves or if he/she is from a country that is mostly uncircumcised.  However, if you ask guys like myself that have been circumcised as adults, most will argue that life if much better after being cut.

  2. I am of the US and I totally agree.

    Only about half of infants are circumcised now but the level of education or lack of it is positively nauseating. Most people that choose to not cut their baby believe the BS that you need to pull the skin back everyday to clean it. This is what causes f******n problems in the US. This is in fact caused by many many many ignorant doctors that try to retract the f******n as well(I could just beat one of them half to death).

    I am a circumcised man and it was not botched but I feel that I was mutilated against my will.

    I am actually in the process of restoring my f******n non-surgically as I am extremely angry and disappointed that a healthy, functioning part of my body was removed for no good reason other than societal customs.

    The risks are very small, but many boys have lost their penises due to botched circumcisions and some have even died due to bleeding or infection.

    The risk is very small but it is a risk that I would never even consider when the alternative is to leave my son the way that he is intended to be and carries no risk of death or disfigurement.

    I think that it is important for everyone to read what's behind the following link.

  3. Circumcision all started in Victorian times.  Because Victorians in Britain and America thought masturbation was a sin,  they devised ways of stopping boys from doing it.  One of those ways was circumcision:

    Why America (and Britain) started circumcising:

    In 1949 an article was published in the British Medical Journal entitled "fate of the f******n" - it recommended against circumcision because it found that all reasons for circumcising were not based on scientific fact.  you can read that article here:

    From that point on circumcision was no longer provided on the NHS.

    Unfortunately America is and always has been a religious place, also having a large Jewish population (with a lot of them in influential positions) - so religion was used as persuasion to get it done. Also the fact that their health system is private means that doctors financially benefit from circumcision.  Since those early days it is mainly Jewish doctors like edgar schoen ( ) and Daniel Halperin ( ) who have pushed circumcision.  This may be because Jews fear being different so they try to make everyone as similar to them as possible so that they won't be treated differently.  remember Jews have a long history of being persecuted.  Schoen served on the American Academy of Paediatrics Circumcision Policy committee for many years.  When he left the board,  the policy on neonatal circumcision changed (in 1999)  to a negative stance on circumcision.  Since then, newborn circumcision rates in the USA have declined to 55% - which is still high, but lower than the rate in the 70's of 80-90%.

  4. I think the women too have been brainwashed. I saw a very good documentary by Penn and Teller who were critical of the procedure.  They interviewed a woman who'd decided it was wrong to mutilate babies (i.e. more liberal-minded than most) and she said, 'after a while you get used to it and the babies who haven't been circumcised look normal.'

    They actually think mutilated penises look normal, so it's going to take a lot of education for them to change.

  5. a lot of them are made up in order to glorify the cut p***s

    some of our problems are due to ignorance, we expect an adult and infant p***s to look and work exactly the same combined with little general understanding of the intact p***s, so parents and childcare workers are never taught to not retract the f******n in infants potentially causing some damage

  6. I have come across (no pun intended) one person who needed to be circumcised as an adult. But only one.

    Re the other post stuck in the f******n? How the h**l does that happen?

  7. not really

  8. I agree with your post exept for one thing i also think i is the american chicks that are mis informed yet feel they know all the facts about a uncircumsized dude. The only person taht really knows about a uncut unit is a uncut dude. I have not had any problems with my unit and it is uncut. it doesnt stink it hasnt had any STD'd and i havent given any of my parnters cancer. it seems for some chicks that a uncut dude should be avoided like the plague.


    uncut and happy


  9. well since there is more done, there is more of a chance for mess ups. i work nursery/post partum and have seen some not look very good. i have also had a friend who their baby is having UTI's/urinary reflux that is compilcated by his non circumcised p***s. i also met a adult male patient who had to have one done as a adult for similar problems.  ive taken care of many elderly men who have no one to take care of their forskin for them and can not do it themselves... they come in with their p***s deteriating from moisture build up and old food stuck in between the forskin because it has not been cleaned.  those are just my experiences. so horror storys are real. i personally don't think there is anything wrong with a uncircumcised male but problems do arise occationally from it. as for the added sexual sensation well.... that something that can't be proved. s*x is fun because of the people involved not the status of the forskin.

  10. Jill,

    Lets look at the logic of what you said... if all the guys in the US are circumcised, why would we be concerned about our women and intact guys? There aren't any intact guys around according to you.

    Now, lets get real. The truth is that maybe 70% of the country is actually circumcised. There are pockets where its 100% and other locales where almost no one is cut. In my  own house its 50%. Two of us are, two not.

    I don't know where are the f******n trouble comes from either. I see plenty of that sort of post coming from Europe and around the world as well, so its not only Americans.

  11. They're mostly myths (if you ask, it's often father's cousin's ex-girlfriend's little brother's friend or something crazy) or the cause of a doctor making an error.

    Because the USA is mostly a f******n-ignorant culture, doctors don't know what to do about it. Therefore they confuse an infant's naturally attched f******n for "phimosis" or don't realise that urine ballooning is a common phase in children and resolves itself, or that steroid cream works for f******n stretching and all that. So they suggest circumcision because that's all they know. Lop the f******n off rather than treat the problem, even though they wouldn't think about it for any other body part except as a real last resort.

    Another reason is that due to the health system over there, doctors make a personal profit from circumcision.


  12. My partner was circumcised when he was younger we live in glasgow all our life's {uk) and i must say s*x is far better with a guy without fore skin it a must get it done i would say that to all guys.  

  13. In America, doctors are so used to only treating circumcised men that they are f******n-ignorant. Most men with "f******n problems" in america actually have nothing wrong with them at all. I've heard of doctors circumcising because the f******n is "too long", because a baby boy has ONE UTI, because they believe that all boys should be retractable by a certain age (usually some age under 3), because the doctor needs to insert a catheter for another condition (like heart surgery!),and of course, simply because it will be "cleaner" "prevent cancer" and any other amount of rubbish.

    It seems, around here, if there is an issue that is in any way related to a Male's p***s, the first idea that comes to a doctors is head is to simply cut off the f******n. Kidney infection? If you have a f******n, that must be the cause! Even simple external infections are treated with circumcision and not antibiotics. Young adults with slight cases of phimosis are not offered advice on stretching or steroid creams, they are circumcised. Young boys with inflamed foreskins from over zealous washing or bubble baths are cut.  It's really apalling.

    On top of all that, doctors create problems inadvertently in intact men as well. In babies they are often forcibly retracted by doctors, which can cause real problems in the p***s, like infection and adhesions. In older adults, doctors have been known to induce paraphimosis by forgetting to replace the f******n after catheterisation. Paraphimosis is then treated with circumcision. I've even heard of more than one case in which doctors performing heart surgery claimed that they needed to circumcise in order to pass a catheter into the bladder for surgery.

    It's really a sad state of affairs. Until our medical schools start teaching about development of the p***s and its proper care, I think many healthy men and boys will continue to be unnnessecarily cut. -Neb

  14. I've never been circumcised and my skin pulls back just fine. i got

    the one they call the legendary mexican anaconda.

  15. Facts for the circumcised

    *It does not make your d**k bigger - how can cutting something off make it bigger? It may make your head swell a little more but thats pretty limited.

    *It only increases your chance of catching an STD by less than a very small percentage. Basically it's who you stick it in that matters. It does reduce the risk of penile cancer but only one in 1 million men ever get that anyway (have you ever heard of anyone getting penile cancer?) It may reduce the risk of urinary tract infections but unless your prone to getting it in the first place (and you'll know if you are) then the the reduction is insignificant. Unless you actually have phimosis already assuming your d**k is close to adult size then you will not develop it later in life) and it has no bearing on whether you will get prostate cancer or not.

    Which developed country has more circumcised men than any other? The U.S.A!!! And which country has the highest prevalence of STD's of any other DEVELOPED country in the world (i.e not Africa, Russia etc)? Yep thats right the U.S.A.

    Females (simply due to their anatomy are far more likely to catch an STD off a guy (both cut and uncut) than a guy catching an STD off a female.

    *It is not any less clean as long as you wash it like any other part of the body. In fact the female v****a (Sorry ladies, don't mean to pick on you) has far more bacterial nasties than anything found under the f******n. And if you think about how can 1 or 2 inches of extra skin possibly be less clean than say the 8 inches of warm pink moistness which is the wonder that is the *****.

    Basically there is no need for routine circumcision unless you have medical reasons and many of these can be gotten around it without resorting to the it. I don't believe the sensation of s*x really changes but you can do a h**l of alot more fun stuff both when masturbating and haveing s*x with a f******n rather than without. Most of us here in Australia are functioning fine with our intact foreskins. Our country hasn't succumbed to STD's or HPV nearly as much as the states, and most of the chicks here either love them or just don't give a sh*t.

  16. My father and my friend Richard needed to be circumcised for medical reasons. I myself have not been circumcised and do not intend to be. It is something that can be beneficial in some cases but for the most part is needless surgery. As for improving s*x, girls who have tried both have given me differing opinions so I assume the skill of the man in bed is more a factor than anything else.

  17. yes well we're not all circumsized and people remain that way that's totally there choice tolerate respect their feelings don't just pay out these people just because you think that your better.

  18. Circumcision is not often spoken of in the UK and to advocate it often seems to draw hostile reaction. Nevertheless there are a large number of questions on here from people with tight foreskins, who have tried stretching and have found it not to work. There are those who have had repeated infections and not found normal hygiene effective. Most of us circumcised as adults only regret it was not done sooner. It is a procedure going back to time immemorial which is  a requirement of Islam and Judaism and one or two sects within the Christian religion - do you not think that there is some wisdom behind this - that a health measure has become a religious rite?

  19. it's no problem you've got a f******n for a reason nature gave you it and you should keep it

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