
Circumcision question...

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Okay I was wondering what happens when you get a circumcision. Like i know its an operation of some sort where a males forskin on his p***s is like pulled back or something but why would someone do this? What are the benifits or losses from a circumsized p***s? I am a mature teenager and I am just curious, so please dont say something immature like "eww you perv". Im just asking for educational benifits.




  1. There is no myth or mystery behind circumcision.  It has been practised for centuries and has become wrapped up in ethnic and religious reasons.

    If you want a balanced arguement on the pros and cons of this issue - coming to Yahoo answers is not the right place.  Your next step for an instant answer may be Wikipedia - here you may receive a balanced view.

    Here you will not receive a balanced view - because it has become an emotive issue.  Every male will believe that what they have is better, if some men believed a "outie" belly button was better than an "innie" and was better cleaner, sexier - you would expect the same response.

    For heavens sake - use some intelligence - get a balanced view - waht you don't need is an opinion

  2. It's stupid bull-**** that Jews do.

  3. when it's done as a baby it's quite brutal, and often done with little pain management, before the 80's nothing was given, they just started cutting, the insert a tool to tear away the glans from the f******n (they are meant to be one piece until several years old), the p***s is then cut length wise to allow the the device such as a gomco clamp they are suing to be inserted, they then clamp it down cutting off the f******n and reducing blood flow to what is left of the p***s in order to get it to mend, which leaves a brown halo on the p***s

    circumcision, the 10 minute surgery with a lifetime of negative consequences

  4. It helps keep everything cleaner down there an helps prevent infections.

  5. to prevent infections

  6. It is a religious act, as far as I know Muslims and Jews do it.  

  7. Uncircumsized is better in my opinion. I would never, ever get it done unless it was for medical reasons

  8. They just cut off the f******n of the p***s so they can keep them cleaned. Uncircumcised ones with f******n are harder to clean and can smell!

  9. well it makes my s*x life easier when i have s*x the skin wont split and wont cause any pain. also when i urinate i don't have to pull back my skin to aim better and wont make a mess on the floor  

  10. well the f******n is there at birth, and the natural way to go is to not get circumsized.

    it doesnt hurt you in any way, the guy just has to wash it, big deal.

    supposedly some people think the p***s ugly to not be circumsized though.

    edit: NOT hard to clean. why would a girl say that.

  11. Hi! Thats a very good question. Here is the information I give to expectant mothers who are considering circumcision for their child, it should help answer your questions.....

    I would definitely advise you not to circumcise. It is unnessecary, painful, and not without serious risks. Here is some information, with links, to help you make your decision....

    First, only 50% of boys nationwide are circumcised. You may actually find that your son is in the minority in the locker room if you cut him. (I don't advocate making this decision on those grounds, but if you were leaning towards doing it because you don't want him to be "different", you should know that the boys will be pretty evenly split between cut and intact and noone will think intact is weird)

    Second, it is VERY painful to an infant. Most doctors still don't use any anesthesia, those that do rarely offer adequate anesthesia because the only stuff that works is not safe enough to use in infants for such a "minor" procedure. Further, some of the pain meds offered to infants aren't even reccomended for use on babies! Further, some doctors argue that it has beenb done "for thousands of years" without anesthetic- what they neglect to tell you is that a medical circumcision can take over 15 minutes to complete. A Jewish ritual circumcision, by contrast, takes under 60 seconds to complete (and the bay is given wine) Here is some info on the pain..... (note in this one that even infants offered pain meds for the procedure showed signs of post traumatic stress!)

    You should also know that studies have shown that the most sensitive parts of the male anatomy of ON the f******n- NOT the head of the p***s. By cutting off the f******n, you remove a mans most errogenous genital tissue. Here is a study about that.... (note that other studies found no difference, but they neglected to test the sensitivty of the f******n- they only tested the glans p***s of intact and cut men and didn't pay any attention to the f******n at all)

    You should know that infant boys are EASIER to care for when they are intact. The f******n does not retract until late childhood or even puberty, so you do nothing special, just wipe the outside of his p***s clean and leave it alone. In a cut boy he will be extremely sensitive for a few weeks because the head of the p***s is raw and exposed (they have to tear the f******n off of the head in infants, it is naturally fused). During this time you will need to keep it VERY clean and may need to cover the wound with vaseline and guaze. Furthermore, to prevent painful and bleeding erections later in life, doctors are now commonly leaving more skin behind- in a cut boy this means you may have to push the left over skin back at every diaper change and clean beneath it to prevent it from readhereing or infecting. The very thing that mother's think they avoid by circumcising! In short-

    Intact = wipe like a finger, NEVER retract

    Cut= vaseline, clean thoroughly, push back remaining skin to prevent adhesions etc (the last step perhaps for several months or years)

    Here is an excellent tutorial on the basics of intact care and circumcision....

    Another factor in your decision is that circumcised boys experience a 12% increase in their risk of MRSA infection. MRSA is commonly picked up in hospitals (where circumcision is performed in non-sterile conditions) and has been known to kill adults. I wouldn't want to deal with it in an infant. Also, 12% is a BIG risk, the risk of a boy "needing" a circ later in life is WELL below that- under 1%.

    The so called "benefits" of circumcision are generally trumped up. A big one now is that it "prevents" AIDS. All the studies showing "benefits" like this have been poorly designed and inconclusive. Also, for every study that finds a "benefit" there are more studies that find no benefit.

    It is rather eye-opening to see how circumcision first became popular in the US to begin with. It was virtually unknown in this country until the 20th century. This slideshow takes you through the rise of circumcision....

    Finally, you should watch a video or two of the procedure so you are fully informed of what your infant will go through. I will warn you that these are graphic. If you can't handle watching them as an adult, why would you expect your infant son to endure them?

    There are two main methods for circumcision here is one of each-

    Gomco Clamp- note that the father is in the room, and the doctor claims to have used anesthesia (although whether or not he did is debateable, and he is dissmissive about the whole idea)

    Plastibell- I include this because some parents will have you believe it is "painless" or "requires no cutting/blood" I'll let you judge for yourself.....

    Congrats on the new addition! I'm sure given all the facts, you'll make the right decision for your son. :) -Neb

  12. The benefits are that it is more clean and they are less likely to contract an infection or an STD, and if they do contract one and they ARE circumcised they are less likely to pass it on. Basically it's just cleaner.

  13. A circumcision is where a piece of skin covering the glans (or head) of the p***s is cut off. Taker a look at this blog - it contains pictures:

    It is not common in Europe .  It is only common in the USA.  It is usually done a short time after birth.  This is called routine infant circumcision.  Many parents are now deciding not to do it.  No medical association in the world recommends it. Here is a video of the procedure:

    Look here for how  a normal p***s is supposed to work:

    On the underside of the f******n are special touch-sensitive nerves that are stimulated as the skin moves up and down.  A circumcised man loses this because he has no skin left.   The shape and functionality and sensitiveness of the p***s is lost so it is no longer designed to work as well with the v****a:

    Top 10 ways circmcison harms women:

  14. I won't go into a biblical converstion in regards to circuncision.

    But, I will say, to pull back the fore skin on a p***s, it is more sanitary and healthy for the male.

    Yet, (sorry) getting back to the bible, it is a LONG  on going tradition, for males to get circumcised.

  15. The skin that normally sheithes the head of the p***s is removed.

    Origionally this was done to prevent infection during times of poor hygene like during a war or before showering was mainstream.

  16. there are many reasons people do it but the main one is tradition and religion  THERE IS NOT A MEDICAL NECESSITY TO HAVE THE PROCEDURE  but having it may cause the p***s to become less sensitive during s*x  

  17. Circumcising a p***s mean that they cut the f******n of the p***s off. If it's left on, it can harbor bacteria which can turn into an infection.

    Later in in life, s*x of course is a big deal with men, and unprotected s*x without being circumcised can 1. hurt the man because the f******n can get pulled and 2. give the girl a vaginal infection if the man doesn't clean his p***s well enough.

  18. Circumcision started in the bible. It symbolizes your unity with God or something like that.

    Now it just makes it look better...less gross.

    and the skin's not pulled's cut off.

    other than you not having to pull the skin back every time u use the D, it doesn't really have a purpose.  

  19. just keeps the area cleaner

  20. Well, God mistakenly made f******n for men ???? I don't think so . Actually forskin is necessary  to protect the head. Because head skin is very very soft and sensitive. So Forskin is  just for protection of Mr. dik's head.   Men can pull back the skin whenever they want to clean . All live cells are necessary. If f******n not necessary,  God can make  Mr. d**e, without f******n . so f******n is very very useful .

  21. they say it's supposed to be cleaner, lower chances of infection etc, or religious purposes

  22. Well for one. It looks better. And two, if you don't clean an uncircumcised one correctly, bacteria can build up in the f******n. Also, it is easier to catch STD's uncircumcised.

  23. They remove the f******n from the p***s, there are no real benefits though people have been trying to prove some for ages, they've either never been proven or have no practical application. In addition there are complications and side effects and the guy loses sexual sensation. Most men worldwide aren't circumcised. Most men who are circumcised are Muslim and are circumcised for religious reasons.


  24. its a jew thing

    sometimes its a health thing

    like its either all there, or all gone.

    otherwise you get bacterias inside it.

  25. circumcision is cutting off of the f******n of the p***s to expose the glans, which is the head of the p***s.  There are three main reasons for circumcision.  Medical, religious and cosmetic.  Jews and Muslims circumcise as a religious ritual.  Americans, parts of Canada, Korea and the Philippines do it as a custom and for medical reasons.  Many of us believe that it has health benefits.  Adults sometimes get circumcised for cosmetic reasons.  They believe that a circumcised p***s looks better and is preferred by females.  those are the main reasons.  For a more in depth explanation of what circumcision is please go to these web sites. They have a lot of information on the subject.  I am for Circumcision. I think it provides a lifetime of benefits for males.  I also believe that parents have the right to choose circumcision for their babies and when the boys are old enough that they have the right to choose it for themselves.

  26. Circumcision of females is female genital mutilation.   It involves cutting away parts of the labia and clitoral hood, and sometimes the clitoris itself.   It is cleaner, with less crevices to trap female smegma, amd bacteria.   It is illegal in all civilized countries.

    Circumcision of males is male genital mutilation.   It involves amputation of the f******n, which is intended by nature to keep the p***s sensitive and give maximum sensation during s*x.

    Female circumcision is mainly practiced in some backwards third world countries to inhibit women't sexual desire, to keep them "faithful".

    Male circumcision is practiced to damage the males' penises, and damages the sexual ability.   It is not illegal, and was widely accepted, but now is acknowledged as barbaric and totally unnecessary by all civilized individals.

    Circumcision of anyone is unnatural and abnormal.   Circumcision of infants is infant sexual abuse and a violation of the basic human right to a whole and intact body.

    Only a pervert would advocate or practice genital mutilation on others.

  27. Every human male is born with a f******n on his p***s. It is a natural bodypart with many important protective, sensory and sexual functions.

    About 20% of males worldwide have that f******n cut off, to become "circumcised".

    Its usually done for religious requirements (it is important for Jews & Muslims) or for other reasons such as traditional customs (for example in the Philippines).

    Without the f******n, the head of the p***s is permanently exposed to air degradation and rubbing against underwear, causing it to become keratinized.

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