
Circumsition and pain????

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(sorry about spelling) the doctors recommended that i got circumsized but when i pull back my f******n and touch under-neeth it i get a realy sharp pain! is this normal and would i still get it if i got circumsized (because i dont want to be in constant pain!)

ps does anyone know if its legal to buy condoms if your under 18 in England and if tesco sell them?

thanks :)




  1. You don't need to get circumcised and if you do you will suffer that pain for a month or two at least.

    If your f******n is tight then stretch it. Here's how.

    There are also instructions on how to expose your glans to touch regularly so that this pain gradually goes away and the sensations become pleasurable instead.

    Cutting the f******n off exposes the glans to touch constantly and rushes this process, causing a lot of discomfort.

    Adult males lose 15 square inches (40 square centimetres) of skin in circumcision, over half the skin of your p***s. You lose the gliding action as it slides on itself during masturbation and s*x. You will suffer bruising, perhaps some bleeding, and the swelling from the disruption to the lymph system goes on for up to six months. Removing the f******n turns the surface of the glans from an inner mucosal membrane to outside skin. Newly circumcised adults usually go through some weeks of intense discomfort as the glans is constantly exposed to rubbing on clothing, until it develops a thicker keratin layer and becomes less sensitive. You must abstain from ALL sexual activity for an average of six weeks. Some men like the final result but others complain of loss of sensation and miss being able to slide their f******n over the glans. Circumcised guys often have little or no movable skin left and are forced to m********e using lube or rubbing dry, without the loose skin. There is no going back if you don’t like the result.

    A recent study has shown real differences in fine touch sensitivity between circumcised and intact penises and that the most sensitive parts of the intact p***s are those that would be removed by circumcision.

    Many women who get to interact sexually with an intact p***s prefer the natural state. Don’t do this to yourself just to fit in. Be proud of your whole and natural body.

  2. btw there shouldnt be an age limit to buy condoms my highschool hands em out for free

  3. If you are in pain this is obvioulsy going to interfere with any relationship you will have in the future so take the doctors advice and be circumcised .

    However you could ask about the procedure which is not total circumsion to see if that would be ok for you

    The age of consent is 16 so yes it is certainly ok for you to buy condoms , and is advisable for several reasons !! Tesco and all other supermarkets stock a wide range if you look in the area where toileteries and medicnes are sold  

  4. If you get circumcised the area underneath your f******n will be unprotected and will rub against your underware each and every time you move, and you will constantly get that sharp pain for months and months until the nerves die and you get reduced sensitivity.

    Dont get circumcised get a second opinion, there must be another way.

  5. try stretching your f******n and keep on stretching skin is elastic eventually it should stretch enough for no circumcision but it will take time as for condoms yes you can buy in tesco's- and it's legal

  6. Circumcision is NEVER necessary.   Doctors reccommend it because they make money from it and are frequently members of the minority religious groups that try to impose this practice on others.

    If you pull your f******n back daily, leaving it back for periods of time the glans will become less sensitive.     Obviously you weren't pulling it back at all and the glans is super sensitive.

    Circumcision will decrease your sensitivity and this will continue to decrease steadily throughout the rest of your life.    Erections will be tight, and the skin won't move for sexual activity and masturbation.

    You won't be in constant pain, once the glans normalizes.

    Getting circumcised will damage your sexual sensitivity and ability, together with instantly diminishing the girth of your p***s by a double layer of skin all around---actually four layers of skin in diameter.

    Before you have this drastic mutilation, check into the side effects, the doctors never give you the information about complications.

    Good luck to you.

  7. I would try making sure to expose it and clean it whenever peeing and make sure it's not something that will go away

    condoms you can buy at any age

  8. The reason why your doctor recommends circumcision is to rid you from this painful process of retracting your f******n. Directly after circumcision you will be sore for a few days. after that your pain will be gone. It is lawful to buy condoms at any age. Just make sure you know how to use them and that you or the intended sexual partner (male or female) are not under 16 years of age or you could be prosecuted for under age s*x.

    Tesco do sell them but you might have to ask for condoms.

    I should like to point out that in normal circumstances it is not normal to suffer any pain when retracting the f******n.  

  9. Yes you can buy condoms under 18.

    I don't see why you need to be circumcised. It just sounds like you glans is a little sensitive because it's always been covered and protected by the f******n. I recommend you gently rub it each day with lubricated fingers. It should gradually get less painful but still be nicely sensitive.

    A circumcision would cause pain from the actual operation and then I would imagine your glans would be even more painful afterwards as it no longer has the f******n covering it! Maybe eventually it would stop hurting but by then it would have lost more sensitivity!


  10. After being circumcised, the pain you experience when touching your glans will subside. I myself was circumcised later in life, and after being on both sides of the issue, I'm more than convinced that being circumcised is much more beneficial than life uncircumcised.  Don't let others discourage you about circumcision because, most of them have not experienced life both uncircumcised and circumcised.  Take it from people that have been circumcised later in adult hood or later adolescence.

    Getting circumcised was one of the best decision i've ever made.

  11. The pain is Most likely treatable, if for some reason it absolutely will never go away, then circumcision would be the way to go, but if the pain is treatable then don't. The Majority of the world is not circumcised, and for good reason. f******n makes it easier to slide the p***s into the v****a, and it is much easier on the skin when masturbating. Circumcision - aka cutting off the top skin on your p***s is not the natural thing it is made out to be. All you have to do is clean it.  

  12. The doctor will give you a cream until the pins go away (which is like a week). The actual circumcision is no big deal. The first few days you want to ice it and the after that pop a few Motrin and pretty soon you are fully healed and ready for action. I was circumcised at 18 and would do it again in a heartbeat! It is so much cleaner, healthier and looks better. I had no hesitation to have my son's (1&3) circumcised as I know there is no downside, only a lifetime of benefits!

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