
Citations in MLA format!! PAPER DUE TOMORROW I NEED HELP!?

by  |  earlier

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If I am typing a paper, and I am directly quoting people. i.e.

"Mahatma Ghandi once said "I like your christ. I do not like your Christians"" would I then have to put the parenthesis and cite it afterwards or can I just leave it at saying Ghandi's name before the quote?




  1. For a quote that's short (less than four lines),

    The first line of each paragraph is indented at 0.5" (or the first default tab setting).

    At the end of the quote put the author/source of information in parentheses.

    For a quote that's long (four or more lines), the entire thing is indented at 1" from the left margin.

    At the end of the quote put the author/source of information in parentheses.

  2. Use this website:

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