
Citibank won't verify a check to anyone other than person who wrote check. How do I verify a Citibank check?

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I received a check drawn on Citibank in the amount of $3000.00 and when I tried to verify that check through Citibank, they told me that they could not verify that check to anyone other than the account holder. Is it just me or does that sound a little silly? Why would an account holder have to verify thier own check? And furthermore, how would I get that check verified without having to put my bank through all the drama of possibly getting that check returned as NSF?




  1. if someone writes you a check for something, you can call the bank its drawn from and tell them you received a check from someone and you want to know if its good. there should be no problem. they will tell you if its good or not they won't give you an  amount. have never had a problem with this.

  2. Call again and ask if the check can be cashed.  Banks don't give out much information, but they usually will tell a person if there is enough money in an account to cash a check.  If they won't tell you, call your bank and have them check.  

    Otherwise, just cash the check but don't spend any of the money.  Personally, I'd wait at least a 30 days to see what happened before using the money.

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