
Citizen cards are supposed to be proof of age to get into bars/clubs etc has anyone been turned away with one?

by  |  earlier

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A friend got rejected from a night club because he had a citizen card, the bouncers said they aren't official proof ID...even though their website says they are...please help, i'm planning on going out tonight!!




  1. I went to a club with a bachelorette party and they wouldn't allow me in with my Swiss drivers license. I made a big stink until they allowed me in. That was insane. Good luck with your citizen card.

  2. I'm not sure what a citizen card is, but clubs and bars are private establishments, so, in the U.S., they can let in whoever they want and ask for any form of ID they want.  If the place doesn't have a copy of an "official" card/passport/ID they often won't let you in because they have no way of telling if your is fake.  A passport or visa is best.  

    If there is a decent sized group of you, the group is not willing to go in without you, and you are mostly women, the bar is more likely to relent if you ask nicely.  Single guy making a big stink?  Forget about it.

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