
Citizen marrying non citizen?

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i am currently a US citizen, but my girlfriend isnt a US citizen. She doesnt live in the US. But i plan on getting married real soon. Can anyone tell me whats the quickest way for her to be able to come back with me to the US? Are ther any formalities or paperwork tht i must prepare in advance? this is the US afterall, theer is always paperwork to be done. I dont want to go abroad, marry her, then find out she cannot come back with me just yet. Any help wud be appreciated. Because im thinkin of goin abroad, marrying her, then if i apply for a spouse visa form the US consulate abroad, how long wud tht take to approve? or is ther another way to ge t*t done. im lookn for the quickest (legal of course). shes got a degree in medicine and she will continueher schoolin her. thanx




  1. not any easy ways  forget about going to get here   she will not be allowed to travel with you   sponsor underfiancee visa about  7 months to process  marryu her  file the I 130  form about   14 months  be patient  it takes lot of time to get papers work done  

  2. A friend of mine went through the same thing recently.  She was a Mexican national and had to go back to Mexico and then return.  

    I say you have one of two options:


    (1) Go to her

    (2) Get married

    (3) Come back

    (4) Hire a lawyer

    (5) Begin immigration proceedings

    (6) Hope you won't die


    (1) Get her a visa

    (2) Get married in the States

    (3) Begin immigration proceedings

    (4) Hope she doesn't have to go back anyway

    (5) Hire a lawyer

    (6) Pray

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