
Civil Engineering degrees?

by  |  earlier

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Hey im currently about to start my Civil Engineering Bsc (Hons) degree.

For future reference, i hope to eventually achieve chartered status. How would i go about doing this?




  1. Join the Institute of Civil Engineers as a student and eventually you should end up with chartered status.

    Jason, the first step is to join the Institute.  You then try to satisfy their CEng requirements, as you say.  You will note that I did include the words 'eventually' and 'should'

  2. that's wrong.  For a start you need to have a masters degree from an accredited university this grants you access to the institute of civil engineers as a member (Bsc is only half accredited and you will have to do a years post grad for full accreditation) the next stage after this is to apply for your ceng and to gain this qualification you will have to spend time in industry and also pass the relevant tests which are usually masters level or above once all this is complete you will gain your ceng and will now be a chartered engineer

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