1. Why did the first peace talks fail?
A. the North wanted unconditional surrender
B. the realizathion that whatever happened would depend on the Northern Congress
C. Both A & B.
D. none of the above
2. Union cavalry captured Jefferson Davis. Where did they imprison him?
A. Fort Sumter
B. Forth Monroe
C. Fort Davis
D. Fort Henry
1. Why did Sherman's army treat South Carolina so badly?
2. As Sherman kept moving north, and Grand kept pressing Lee at Petersburg, the Confederates decided they had one last slim chance to defeat the Federals. What was the plan?
3. Why was Phil Sheridan's victory at Five Forks a disaster for Lee's army?
4. When Lee surrendered his army to Grand at Appomattox Court House, April 9, 1865, what were the important generous terms givin to him by Grant?