
Civil disobedience for a referendum on Europe?

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For or Against direct action?




  1. I'm in favour of a referendum + in favour of such action as is necessary to achieve it. But I don't think you can ask X billion people to be expected to understand such a complex document as the first "Constitution".  Even the "easy-to-read" edition has a book version of 400 pages (see source).  Wasn't it JFK who said: "Bring it me back on a side of A4"?

    The referendum should be on a small number of key principles. The American Constitution itself isn't a fragment of the size of the EU one, which was a new contender for the Michael Foot Prize for the longest suicide note ever written.

  2. Definatly FOR !!!.

    I just joined UKIP.

  3. Only if I can have some civil disobedience against petrol and utility prices.. fair enough?

  4. 100% in favour, not just for the referendum but to get this useless shower to listen to the electorate for once. They are our public servants, well paid by us to carry out the wishes of the majority. They are failing in their duty. I too have, this very evening , joined UKIP, oh and I sent them a small donation too,  I'm not well paid, but felt the need to put some money where my mouth is, lol. Cmon you lot, take a look at their website and see what you think. We have had enough of the other three, all we get is differerent party same c**p.

  5. for it...completely for it. i was saying earlier. couldnt we find some one to make a huge web site so that people could organise and with hold their rates, untill the referendum is agreed. we could all say no to car tax. income tax...the lot!!. i dont think people realise just how much power they have. within a week of with holding  council tax, the referendum would be granted. they'd have no choice.

  6. Why do the papers not stand up for the people and give us a platform to put  this referendum on Europe in front of a government that's against the peoples views, we have a right to be heard.if it takes a revolt then let it be so.

    cocking a deaf one will be no excuse when the next election comes round,

  7. It seems the only way to make this totalitarian government listen to it's people.

  8. Against. It really isn't that important.

  9. Direct action.. Power to the people - for once!

  10. This is not something I would normally agree with,but quite honestly, desperate times need desperate measures!!

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