
Claimed 20 yr old daughter on 2007 taxes. Didn't get money for her in my stimulas check. ?

by  |  earlier

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She did file her own taxes also. She will end up paying state & fed taxes. Can she still receive a stimulas check?




  1. No. Dependents over 16 do not get the stimulus check.

  2. No, she won't get a check because she was claimed as a dependent.

    To get the extra $300 for your daughter, she'd have to be under 17 yrs.old.

    If things change and you can't claim her next year, she may get the stimulus benefit on her return.

  3. For a dependent over 16 in 2007, you will not get stimulus rebate. Also dependent will not get stimulus rebate even he/she files tax return.

    For information on stimulus tax rebate read:  

  4. Unfortunately, it seems that you will not get anything for her, nor will she.  Since she was a dependent on your taxes, your daughter is not eligible for the stimulus check.  And since she was over the age of 17, you do not receive additional rebates for her.

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