
Claiming on the insuarance for a garage roof (UK)?

by Guest34349  |  earlier

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My garage roof is made from bitumen corrugated sheets and the rain fall drains into the gutter along one side of the garage. When looking out of the window there are pockets of puddles in the corrugated sheets. Towards the side where it drains the sheets have lifted causing the water to be trickeling into the garage. The draining side of the garage has been filled with expanding foam to stop leakage and I presume this has resulted in the draining edge lifting, causing the pockets of puddles/leakage.

The inside of the garage is quite damp along the leaking side and the brick work isnt to great because of this. When the weather is at its worst the rain drips in onto the light switch, so I really do need to sort this.

I hadn't thought of claiming on the insurance as I put the roof down to wear and tear, however my neighbour informs me that the previous owners had to claim for the roof 3 or 4 years ago. Could I make a claim?




  1. You can always claim.

    Typically an adjuster will look at a flat roof claim and ascertain the wear & tear. I have seen many a claim settled where the adjuster or me, as the insurance company employee, have detected storm damage but aggravated by wear and tear. We agree a settlement with the owner eg 40/60% and get settling.

    You don't get if you don't ask.

    xx VP

  2. it sounds like wear and tear - the claim previous owners made could

    have been for something like storm damage. if you put in a claim and

    they send someone out -and you are declined because of wear and

    tear , your insurance is likely to go up following year as it's counted

    as a claim.

    personally i would just get it fixed.

    neighbours are always saying things that complicate house insurance.

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