
Claiming your parent as a dependent.. how can you prove you provide over 50%?

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I know you have to provide proof that you provide more than half of her required resources each month. My mother gets 500 a month from social security. She lives with me rent free, I provide food, utilities, and daily necessity items for her.

How do I document that I do this? She lives with me rent free but doesn't have a lease with me.. she just lives here when usually I charge people 600-700 a month. How can I document that? Also.. do I need to keep receipts of every grocery, gas, utility bill I get since I'm just paying it for her and my own family in a lump sum?

It just seems like an awful lot to document.




  1. It is pretty simple.  A qualifying relative cannot have more than $3400 income.  $500/mo is $6000.  Therefore she does NOT qualfy as a dependent relative.

  2. I claim my mom as a dependent, I file my taxes online. Basically, just keep all your receipts. I pay all the utilities in the house, help pay for groceries, help with house upkeep and maintenance, and give her money sometimes.

    My mom claims her mom (my grandmother) and I claim my mom, and we all make out good. My mother is retired and does not claim any other income, this is how it is legal for me to claim her, because i pay the majority of the household expenses. I live rent free and get a great refund on my taxes, SWEET.

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