
Clairvoyant, Medium, (Please see below).?

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I am worried about my job. Especially Wednesday 25th to Friday 27th June (next week). Help. Also some basic advice about the future would be very gratefully received.




  1. I predict you will soon be listening to lies and generalisations that can be easily re-interpreted.

    Take charge of your own destiny - you have the power!

  2. The only advice you need is that psychics and their ilk are people who are either have deluded themselves into believing they have magical powers or are con men out to take as much money from you as possible.  That's fine if you're just having fun with their readings, but it's most definitely not OK if you're asking them about serious situations like your career.

    EDIT: The Secret and the "law of attraction" are complete nonsense.

  3. Hi Plank,

    all that I, as a professional medium can tell you is what is the likely outcome of your present beliefs and what you have planned for this part of your life. As I have, however, absolutely no idea who you are I can't tell you anything like that at all.

    What I can tell you is that whatever you experience will be that upon which you most focus and with the highest emotional intensity, i.e. it's your choice!!!! Nothing in your life is pre-programmed. You are free to exercise your unlimited potential to do anything you really want.

    I suggest two things to you:

    A film

    and a book "The Law of Attraction" by Esther & Jerry Hicks.

    Blessed be.

    Karma Singh

  4. I used to be able to tell the future, but I had to stop due to unforseen circumstances

  5. I knew you were going to post that.  Go on in and work and do a good job.

  6. I don't pertain to be a psychic, or a clairvoyant, so please take this advice with a pinch of salt.

    A man is standing up and saying to me, do what i would do. He is a strong man, telling you to take hold of the reigns and decide what to do yourself.

    The name James is coming to me for some reason. I don't know why, it may not be your message, i'm untrained as of yet.

    This man is feeling quite dignified, he looks smart, like he's old fashioned, he's also very proud of himself, and is trying to make you feel proud too.

  7. This may not be a job for PSI phenomena, but there are times when you should "go with your gut". You didn't describe your situation in detail, but I'll give you some general advice based on life experience. First, about worrying itself. 80% of the things we worry about won't happen, and worring usually doesn't help the other 20%. This doesn't mean you should be apathetic. It means you should keep a positive attitude and logically work things out. Make your best plans, and then make contigency plans so you're covered. Do your homework and smile (it keeps them guessing).

  8. Nobody can help you here but yourself. Clairvoyants, mediums, psychics, none of them have been able to show that they have any paranormal ability under conditions where the possibility of cheating is eliminated.

    The best advice I can give you about your job is to stop with the mystical thinking, don't consider yourself a helpless victim of circumstance, and start taking control of your life by being proactive and making good decisions.

  9. James Randi is a fraud as anything. What happened since the million dollar thingy? Well his fame increased drastically.

    Well for your job, I think you may be flustered but nothing much will happen. Or else, its a visit from somebody you don't like.

  10. Help?  Sorry no one can help you.  Psychics don't actually exist. Wish I had better news for you.

  11. Ms. Browne is a famous psychic:

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