
Clairvoyant..are you?

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If they say they can see the future and stuff..then why have they not all won the lotteries..nor gamble....if you were to see the future wouldn't you take advantage of it? It's all fake..why do people pay for this stuff?




  1. For one thing, there aren't a lot of true psis-- "psychics"-- in the world; maybe only 12 to 15 per cent of the world's 6.5 billion people; that's not a lot. And not all of those have the kind of gifts that would make them money. Some gifts, like the one in the movie The Sixth Sense ("I can see dead people...") aren't useful at all for making money.

    A lot of people who do have gifts like precognition believe that this is a gift from God and that using it to gamble is wrong, and will make the gift go away. This is a lot like witches who seriously believe that if they fall in love they will lose their powers. It's all psychological, but psi is a power of the mind and if they believe the gift won't work for gambling, the gift won't work for them in gambling.

    But not every precog thinks their gifts are from God or that it's wrong to gamble; I used to gamble a lot before it became inconvienent to do it like I used to. I would win on average 1 time out of every 5 times that played; think about that. Some people never win at all no matter how often they play, but I made a lot of money. They even put my picture up on the wall of winners at the grocery store where I usually went to.

    Keep in mind that psis don't usually tell other people that they are psi-gifted. We won't run and tell the newspapers how often we win, nor why. Most people don't believe us, or believe in our "wild talents" as the military would say and we get tired of people always saying "show me what you can do" or "go and win this game or that game tonight"-- using precognition or any other kind of psi gifts is not like flicking a light switch; it doesn't usually work on demand for most of us

    except for "superstars" like Uri Gellar or Sylvia Browne. And we really get tired of folks always saying "if you have ESP, go win that money from Randi!" Most people don't believe that that whole Randi thing is set up so that *nobody* will ever get the money offered. That's a big a fraud as Randi himself.

    Anyway, many successful gamblers are psis, whether they know it are not. But they learn quickly not to win too often or too much too often. While it's not illegal to use psi to win the lottery it's not a good idea for a psi to get other people too interested in us. Especially like the IRS...

  2. Well, clairvoyants don't typically claim to tell the exact future.  If anyone can tell the future, it's usually the future that is the result of the current course of events.  The future is always changing based on whether you choose left or right, up or down... etc.  It would seem then that if your future is constantly changing, their information wouldn't necessarily be wrong, just outdated.    Alot of people who are clairvoyant choose not to take advantage of this gift with gambling or lottery citing bad karma... while others exploit their gift.  

    I've never paid for a "fortune teller".  I do my own readings or they're gifts from other psychics / clairvoyants.

  3. I am not sure why people believe in clairvoyance.  After giving it much thought all I can think of is it makes life a little more colorful and interesting.

  4. Hello Mad as h**l

    What you believe about psychics and what one is are two different things.

    We do not have magic powers nor do we live our lives constantly open to spirit.

    If winning the lottery was part of our pathway then, like everyone else we would win - but we wouldn't probably know the correct numbers more than anyone else.

    We do not deal with the future alone, we are not fortune tellers. We quite often deal with the here and now as well as the past.

    Clairvoyant ability is used to help with guidance, knowledge & councel. We are not all seeing beings - thankfully. We are just like everyone else, the only difference is that we have developed an extra sensory gift present in us all.

    In Peace


  5. Because unfortunately it doesn't work that way. We don't see everything, only God sees everything. We only see bits and peices of things. I don't know how it works, I really don't. I just know that I know things, I get things, I feel things. Send me a picture, where I can see your eyes, so I can look into them, and I can tell you quite a lot about you. I've been done readings for a few people from around here. It's a gift, one we can't take advantage of, and sad to say, those who do fake it give those of us with geniune gifts a bad rap.

  6. Good point, mad as h**l.  A point I've brought up several times before on these posts.  If psychics can truly predict the future then why aren't they all billionaires?  Why didn't they all run out and buy Yahoo or Micro$oft stock when it was a dollar per share?

    Of course they'll answer that their gift is too precious to waste on something as trivial as making money.  Or they can't use their gift for selfish purposes or it doesn't work anymore when they do that.  Yeah right (rolling eyes).  Give me a break!  So then why don't they buy a winning lottery ticket and donate it to charity?  That's not selfish.  Think of all the good they could do.  You'll never see them doing that either.

  7. The problem is, you're accepting the "Hollywood" version of what real clairvoyance is and can do.  Unfortunately, many wannabe clairvoyants get their beliefs about it from Hollywood as well.  Much more cautious claims are made for the kind of real clairvoyance that is researched in legitimate parapsychology experiments.  For more on the silliness of the "Hollywood" version, see my essay "They Think They Know" on my website at

    And you can find more about legitimate (and successful) parapsychology research at the URLs listed in the references below.
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