
Clairvoyants: Do my sisters wish me ill?

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I feel like my sisters may be sending me the evil eye. Is this true?




  1. I grew up with two siblings.  There were far fewer days of peace amongst us than there were of hostility.  It's just part of the warm and fuzzy experience of having siblings. :-)

  2. I'm no psychic but you should really ask...

    I don't want you reading forever so I will make this short.

    Is your sister dead? If she is as an Ouija board

    Or go up and ask her or give her the evil eye and see if she does back

  3. Why don't you ask them? Seriously, intra-family squabbles can be remedied much more effectively by open, honest communication, perhaps with the help of a family counselor if needed. Asking supposed clairvoyants over the internet is only going to provide you with more disinformation and suspicion, and that will make things worse. If your sisters won't talk to you openly and honestly about it and instead shut you out, then that's their choice and you need to move on.

    But you can relax about the "evil eye", it has no power except for the power of suggestion it may have on the intended target who finds out about it. It's just a myth. The only power your sisters have over you is the power you chose to give them.

  4. well i think da best thing 2 do is 2 hv a little chat with them, on one hand if dey dont like u dat much then yes but on da other if dey do get along wiv u then no but the best thing 2 do is 2 ask them otherwise this could lead 2 a big problem. hope dis helps.

  5. If it makes you feel better wear red.  But seriously, talk to them.

  6. I felt the same about my sisters..esp. one..since years ago she made a painting for me of me with an evil eye and lightning coming down on me. lol I think we should have done like TR said and TALKED!! She's dead there's no chance of straightening it out. At least one of my other sisters and I have been talking a lot now.But, in those years ..I don't think we were able to talk like we do now...and really communicate like we do now. If you're going to get this straightened just have to push through and find a way...before it's too late. I still wish I had asked her why she drew that picture. At the time I thought it was "cool". lol. I didn't know what an evil eye was and didn't understand the significance of the picture. Seems like somebody else would have clued me in! It's called ..being naive and trusting!!!

  7. Surround yourself with white light and send them the rose pink light/energy of love. Visual them in your mind surrounded with the love energy.

  8. I'm afraid I agree with TR on this one.... I have to wonder what makes you think this? And to tell you not to worry...things like this only hold the power of suggestion. Shoot, demons only hold the power of suggestion--if you believe it doesn't exist, then for you, it doesn't.

    But I'd look into why you feel this way, what it is they're doing that's making you uncomfortable, and then try talking to them. Don't accuse them, just tell something like, "when you did this it makes me feel...". Simple communication I think is needed in this case.

    Good luck to you!

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