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are they still around on ehat number can i contact one? have you ever any experiences of ringing one?




  1. a monkey? "What do you think, Albert?"  "i do not seem to understand this strange languge, that the creature just spoke with."  "Well i guess we both will just have to wait until it eats some more black grapes?"

  2. Clairvoyants will always be around, as long as there are people who are willing to believe in them.

    If you need a clairvoyant, and clairvoyants are real and have actual abilities, then you don't have to take any action. Just sit by the phone and one will call you.

  3. those are the "generic mass-prototype" of what people "think"

    clairvoyant's are,and no i had never call one,not even in dreams!

  4. Clairvoyants use a technique called "cold reading"

    In this they make predictions based on your reactions to statements they are making. Honestly, you are better off talking to a therapist.

  5. I tried calling them, but they called me first because they knew I was going to call.

  6. Clairvoyants are used by people who are unwilling to take responsibility for their own actions.

  7. A true Clairvoyant, like me has no practise. I work for the Community as a whole. I do help people on occasion, and I have recieved money from a few of my patients, but I make it a point never to ask for it. To make a long story short, Psychics are people who may work with special energies, or Angels. In this field those powers are never constant. When you call a Psychic, you pay through the number you ring. This is a professional con. Last week I asked a Psychic what he did when the vision diseapears during a session. He openly answered that he continues as if nothing is wrong. Therefore professional psychics cannot be trusted.

    Believe what you want, but be very carefull.

  8. Clairvoyants , like all supernatural garbage are fakes.

  9. Clairvoyant=phony.Believers in clairvoyant=fools.No offense intended to the fools.I just can't think of a nicer word.
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