
Clarence Mitchell is he well on the way to becoming a fully fledged politician with his loss of objectivity?

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He was a BBC journalist - well respected by colleagues for his objective reporting of difficult issues

Today he is quoted (on a BBC news report):-

Their spokesman Clarence Mitchell told the BBC the couple did not know yet whether the reports were correct.

"If they are true, it's to be welcomed that Kate and Gerry are not to face any charges," Mr Mitchell said.

"It's quite right. They are innocent of any involvement in Madeleine's disappearance. They have suffered enough in this process.......




  1. Lost his objectivity??

    What about losing his:


    Common Sense


    Self Respect

    all of these went out the window when he offered his service to those two monsters.

  2. Well at least he has done a better job than you. Even your links don't work. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

  3. well clarence,WHO DID NEGLECT THE CHILD.?

  4. More objectionable than objective

  5. Seeing as none of us were actually there on the night Madeleine went missing we should ALL be objective , shouldn´t we?

    And that means presuming innocence until proven guilty.


    He was a reporter. At the moment his role with the McCanns is official spokesperson. Different thing altogether.

  6. He is no longer a reporter.

    He is the cynical mouth piece of 2 people more concerned with their own reputation than the truth.

  7. Neither of your links work.

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