
Clarinet help!!!?

by Guest21565  |  earlier

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Which fingers (and hand) do I use to press the bridge keys (the ones on the middle of the clarinet on the right side)?

I cannot reach with my left hand and my right hand feels akward.

Please help!




  1. when playing the flute always put the left hand on top and the right hand is used for the lower keys. my brother also plays the flute.

  2. I play clarinet,

    so you put your right hand on bottom, and you left on top, and if you are holding it right, your top hands index finger (the middle between the 'hand' knucle and first knuckle) should be used to push them.

    Hope it Helps,


  3. wow. most of these people didn't answer the question you were asking... ha

    you use your index finger on your right hand for those side keys.. it is akward at first, but it gets easier i promise. when you use those keys use the side of your index finger.. keep your right thumb holding up the clarinet on the thumb rest, and then just reach up with your finger, and you will have full access to all of those side keys. you don't need to keep your other fingers over the keys on the bottom of the clarinet when you reach up for the side keys either. hope this helps you out!

  4. You use your right hand.  

    You will never have a fingering where the fingers on your right hand cover the holes while pressing these keys, so feel free to let go of the clarinet and reach up for them!  You should move your hand little as possible, so leave your thumb under the thumbrest, rotate with your wrist, and use the side of your index finger.  Try to use the knuckle closest to your nail though, as when you get more advanced you will have to place your finger more accurately for runs, trills, alternate fingerings, etc.  "Eb" is ok to do further down the finger, but being more accurate in the beginning will save you some time down the road.

    It will take a little practice to get used to using the right hand side keys (they are not called the bridge keys, btw) and returning your hand to the proper placement.  Just go slow and do a lot of repetitions.  Try going from "Bb" below the staff to "Eb" bottom line of the staff.  Just go back and forth slowly and work up your speed gradually.  

    *EDIT: If your hands are small and you can't leave your thumb under the thumbrest as you reach for these keys, don't be afraid to hold the bell of your clarinet with your knees for stability.  You shouldn't play like this all the time, but there are instances where it is acceptable.*

    Don't worry- you'll get it!  Have fun! :)

  5. i have played clarinet for a while now and i'm and honor student in band so i'll help you ....your left hand goes on the top so you can use your pinky for the  keys there.......umm right hand on bottom use your pinky for the bridge keys it will feel better once you get use to it i promise
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