I moved to a different state a few weeks ago. My mom took me to my new high school a few days later, where I immediately asked about summer work. Well, I got it. It's the most summer work I've ever had in my life! Anyway, one of the projects I'm required to do is create five working theses for an english class book. I've never done this before (at least not in english). So, I emailed my english teacher and asked her what I'm supposed to do for english theses. She replied that I should focus on my other work and wait to ask her about it in class.
My dad told me to work on my theses, and I told him what she had said. To my surprise, he immediately started yelling at me about weaseling out of work! He told me I was manipulative and that I was constantly disappointing him. I told him that I didn't ask to get out of work, and even showed him the email, but to no avail. He is furious.
My question is, how do I get him to understand? This fight is taking it's toll on the household. It's got to end.