
Class Action Lawsuit against Companies Hiring Illegals?

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How would we go about getting a class action lawsuit against each and every one of those companies hiring illegals?

We do have to pay extra taxes to cover the illegals not paying taxes, not paying for education, hospital/medical care, roads, military, etc....thus - we are indeed affected, thus should be eligible for this type of lawsuit...

So - how do we go about it?




  1. I am not sure of the legalities of class action lawsuits.  If this is something you really want to pursue, you'll have to talk to a lawyer who deals with those.

  2. If you missed a quaterly payment how long before the IRS knocked on your door.

    Think we got a problem here

    The feds don't care

    the states don't care

    So prove they are and file a complaint

    Have enough people file for the system to request it be filed as a class action

    Then if its politically expediant you may get a lawyer to represent all of you

  3. first, you have to been laid of from one of those corporations (Hormel, Swift, Del Monte, Tyson, Tony Downs or any that are mass packagers related to the agriculture sector) to set a precedence.

    As for Taxes, everyone pays taxes when buying in local markets. This taxes pay for local services. On Military, many want to join for the benefits, nuts - oh no, we can't allow that...

    Prove that you were laid off, take unemployment, take and use the system by getting re-certified and receive public aid. Use the Unemployment Extension to the max for employers use the capital gains tax  and the miscellaneous corporate expense to conceal some illegal payees.

    This will open the eyes of the IRS and uncle sam, Then get over 250 employee signatures or as required by your state for a classification of a law suit. The best are in the upper midwest like MN, IA, WI, MI. IN, IL, ND, SD. This states actually have corp laws that allow you to extend employees form other states are long as they are company employees and N O T contract like in TX, NM, OK, LA, AZ - S E E the picture..

  4. Yes please tell us where to sign. Another frivolous lawsuit is what we need. Government is run by business do you really think that they care that there are illegals (of all nationalities I might add) in the workplace?

    At some place in time we will all die and not have to worry about such things. Might as well start not caring about it right now.

  5. Hey! Whoa! Yea!  Do you think the dumb____s in the political arena would listen then, or throw us(US) in jail for making waves, (you know, that pesky sh_t about the constitution and the bill of rights)?   I think we,(We The People), need to add a new bill to the constitution, a bill of governing.  It should address not only what the government should not be doing, but what its purpose is for being.

  6. Sounds good to me just tell me where to signup.

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