
Classic cars question 1965-1972?

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I have a price range from 5500-10,500. I was wondering what kind of cars i can get that might be for sale around that price range that are decent but defintly need some work...i was looking at a 1969 Chevelle SS...whcih im in love with but what other cars have GOOD FAST motors in the year range...anyone help me out?




  1. try looking ebay and im sure you can find about what you want to know by looking for the cars you like... and i dont mean buy one there just look at what they are selling for will give you some ideals

  2. Thats a HUGE gap from 5500 - to 10 G but with todays economic climate you will CERTAINLY be able to find a beautiful car in that range. I know its personal preference but I would avoid ebay , as it seems that many sellers are really trying to validate P.T.Barnums theory that there is 1 born every minute, ( high prices ) I prefer local and regional post ( like craigslist ). If you stay flexible, and do NOT lock on any one model, you will really be in the drivers seat. Camaros, Novas, Formulas, Trans Ams, certain Chevelles, Mustangs, Torinos, Cutlasses, certain Mopars, Certain Buick GS will all be available in your price range. I would not convince myself that the car I bought would "definitly" need work, as you are underestimating the effect the ecomomy has had on the car market. Many people are hurting, and its a LOT less painful to unload your classic car, then see your home in foreclosure. Be optimistic, shop around, educate youself to the local market, and SHOOT FOR THE MOON.

  3. make sure you look at parts availability. new, used, rebuilt. I have been having a hard time finding parts for my 69 T-Bird, but for me she is worth it, Nothing like a glamour bird with a 429 thunderjet

  4. Go to collectorcartrader (Autotrader's sister site), you can search for vehicles in your area that meet that year range and price. You can also do a nationwide search.

    As you probably know, you won't find a Chevelle SS even close to that price. Any musclecar from that era in your price range will be a definite "fixer-upper" and you'll be lucky if it runs.

    If I were you, I wouldn't worry so much about speed and power at this point. I'd be looking for straight bodies, working accessories, and a decent interior. You can always beef-up any engine later.

  5. Don' know about U.S. prices,but a classic from that era, I would go for would be a Corvette Stingray.

  6. Only Mustang, MAKES it happen

  7. I would look for a Cutlas 442, or a Charger or Challenger. Look in Arizona or Arkansas, They seem to have a great selection in those States.

  8. You can find Classic 60 s cars here:


    and Classic 70s cars here:


    I heard on TV last night that Novas were good economy muscle cars.

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