Classified Olympics security file found on a train – London Olympics 2012
A train commuter recently found a file that was titled ‘restricted’ and dealt with the London 2012 Olympic Games.
The file was found on a train by the commuter and is allegedly a secret Scotland Yard document that is concerned with the security of the Games.
The missing document that was left on the train by one of the officials of the Met’s Territorial Policing unit contained detailed security measures that have been taken and are to be taken in order to avoid a terrorist attack at the Olympic Games this summer.
A spokesman for the Metropolitan police made the following comments concerning the issue of the missing documents that has been brought to light, “On Thursday, January 5 a Metropolitan Police Service officer lost his bag containing a number of documents.
The officer reported the loss to a senior officer. Directorate of Professional Standards has been informed as is routine. We do not believe that the bag contained operationally-sensitive documents. The documents are now back in police possession.”
The missing document did not only contain essential information for any group planning a terrorist attack on the Games but it also detailed other plans. These include descriptions of the rehearsals to be made before the Olympic Games commence.
Not only that, the document also laid down the details of the steps to be followed in case it is required to undertake an emergency lockdown. These details were also accompanied by the breakdown of the steps to be taken in order to deal with the traffic
congestion problems that are expected to be faced during the time of the Olympic Games.
Despite the fact that such critical detail is allegedly found to be present in the file that was lost, the Scotland Yard maintains that there has been no serious damage done because of the incident. According to the Scotland Yard, the documents that were
found in the train did not contain information that is regarded as sensitive in the light of the security at the upcoming Olympic Games.
The London Olympic Games are scheduled to commence from July 27.