
Classify the O-H bond in CH3OH as?

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A) ionic

B) polar covalent

C) nonpolar covalent




  1. The O-H bond in metanol is polar covalent since oxygen has a stronger electronegativity than hydrogen, creating a dipole moment that attaches the oxygen atom of the molecule to the carbon atom.  If it was covalent it would have a much higher reaction energy, and if ionic the hydrogen would be oxided so easily that it would be an acid.

  2. B)

  3. b) polar covelent

  4. B) polar covalent

    Find the difference in electronegativity of O and H and you'll see it's about 1.2-1.3 which is considered polar.

  5. The alcohol functional group in methanol has a bond which is polar covalent.

    Carbon and oxygen are too close together on the periodic table for the bond to be ionic.  And, of course, the electronegativity difference clinches the deal.  Carbon is 2.55 and oxygen is 3.44.

    The oxygen - hydrogen bond is polar covalent as well, more polar than C-O because the electronegativity difference for O-H is greater.

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