
Clay or grass?

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someone can play very good in clay court

but someone else can play very good in grass court

and someone who play very good in clay court can't play as good as in grass court

what is difference between them?

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  1. idk but Rafa can play on both!!!!!!

  2. The ball "sits up" differently on the various surfaces. Generally, clay is a slower game with the rallies lasting longer since it's harder to put the ball out of reach of the opponent. The clay is softer and easier on your legs so, while the rallies last longer, leg fatigue is lessened and the matches tend to last longer overall. Also, there is a premium on knowing how to slide on clay which is an unnatural movement if you haven't practiced it.  

    If you try to slide on a hard court, your sneaker will catch and you'll endanger your ankles.

    Grass actually is two different surfaces depending on how long the groundskeepers allow the grass to grow. At Wimbledon, the grass is clipped short and the ball bounces fast and low. In places like Thailand, the grass courts have longer grass and the ball tends to be dead with drop shots being lethal and hard serves being less effective than at Wimbledon.

  3. someone can play very good in clay court  = 1st. rafa 2nd. federer

    someone can play very good in clay court but someone else can play very good in grass court = 1st.  rafa 2nd. federer

    someone who play very good in clay court cant't play as good as in grass court = dont know! :)

    clay court is the slow surface with higher bounce

    grass court is the fast surface with lower bounce...

    if i will choose? i stick to my fave's best surface--- clay (nadal!) ü

    vamos rafa!

  4. clay is a slower surface with a higher bounce, however grass is a faster surface and has a lower bounce. So the clay court player is not used to the faster and lower bounce, whereas the grass court player could easily adapt because he has more time to prepare than he normally would.

  5. Clay is slow and the ball bounces high.  Nadal is a great clay player because he get to everything, and the clay makes the ball so slow that you cannot hit a winner by him.  He is the best clay court player because he does not miss and because he gets to everything.

    Grass is very fast and the ball bounces low.  So now a Nadal like player will get winners hit by him taking away the advantage he once had on clay.  Grass suits a serve and volley player because the volleys bounce low and easily are winners.  Federer has great volleys which is why he wins.

  6. well one common similarity bewteen grass and clay is those are the surfaces that will usually elude some of the great tennis champions of all time.. meaning if they are missing a title it will usually be either french open or wimbledon.. but they are very different surfaces..

    clay is a slower surface where the ball bounces higher, rallies have the potential to last longer, and clay is all about setting up for your shot and sliding.....  clay usually involves better defense and more stamina. players who use more heavy topspin are helped by the clay..

    grass is a faster surface, the ball will bounce faster and stay lower.... it usually rewards big servers and players who tend to hit the ball flatter and cleaner... grass will also reward a player who is more aggressive and forays to the net more..

  7. On a clay court the ball bounces higher. It gives you more time to angle and  time your shot. Appart from make you really dirty from the red clay, the clay courts aren't that bad at all!

  8. When you play on clay, the ball bounces a lot higher then on hard. People that have a really good kick serve, especially like clay because then it bounces even higher. I haven't ever played on grass but I am pretty sure it is a little bit softer than clay. Clay is pretty soft as well. Sometimes people also like clay because you can slide very easily. To get to a ball you can slide a little bit. When the ball bounces on clay, it bounces a lot differently then clay. Personally I like clay better because I like to have my feet planted when I am hitting. When I play on clay I often have a tendoncy to slide a lot. I sometimes can play with a lot of slice and spin, my best game using slice and spin is often on clay. Hope this helps [:

  9. Clay is slow because it picks up the loose clay on the court when it bounces.  This allows players more time to retrieve the ball and hit harder topspin.  Usually, clay court players are stronger and have more endurance.

    On grass, the ball moves fast and bounces low.  Especially when its morning and there is dew on the grass.  Players that are good at 'first strike tennis' excel on grass because the rallies are short and depend on how well you can aim your shots.

    Both surfaces cause uneven bounces for the ball and both surfaces allow the players to slide when stopping or changing direction.

  10. Rafa can play in all surfaces, granted that ``hard court`` isnt his favourite but his results are certainly not poor on that surface and has beaten Federer before. We all no Rafa is King Of Clay :) So need for and explanation there. As for wimbledon well Rafa plays AMAZING tennis there he doesnt need to prove himself that he can play on grass the whole world no he is and ``all court`` player. Last two finals have been extremely close between him and Federer (wimbldeon) Trust me Rafa will win wimbledon this year its a fact!!!!
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