
Clean up after your kids?

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If you have kids and you go to a doctors surgery or somewhere like that, do you check to make sure your kids haven't trashed the play area, and clean up after them if necessary?

I work in a medical practice and I think it's so rude that parents don't take the time to clean up after their OWN kids. I'm sick of cleaning up after them 10 times a day.




  1. They should clean up. Put  up a sign that says "Please clean up after your kids".

  2. Yes and always have. My daughter is almost 5 now so she has to help clean the mess she makes.

  3. Yes. I would definatley make them pick up the toys. Not only because its good manners, it's also dangerous. People who are sick don't need to trip over toys left by ignorant parents.

    I used to take things for my kids to play with so that they didn't touch things that other sick kids had touched. But thats just me being paranoid as usual.


  4. Yes, the parents should tidy up after their kids. On the other hand, if a doctors surgery has a play area you've gotta expect a mess also. These are parents, some who are sick, some who have sick kids, who could have other things on their mind other than tidying up a play area in a doctors surgery

  5. Then get a job somewhere else.  When parents take thier SICK children to the doctor they are preoccupied & WORRIED about thier child.  For you to complain about picking up a few toys, is completely heartless.

    to address

    ll jenny  you obviously do not have children, a sniffle for a child can keep them up all night long, in turn keeping the parents up all night long.  Any child's illness be it a cold, flu, or serious disease is stressful on parents.  Stressed out parents are preoccupied.  

    For the record I NEVER let my children play with the filthy germ ridden toys in waiting rooms.  The thought repulses me.  The toys should be removed in order to prevent the spread of illness. But some doctors don't seem to care about healing anymore, they just want the money. And all but a few in the medical profession care about prevention. Pretty sad actually .

  6. Ok .. firstly ... I need to address Black Aliss... IF your children are THAT sick .. you shouldn't be allowing them to pass their germs on to others by playing with community toys...  and if they are NOT that sick .. then BY JOVE ... A child should be made to clean up their own mess... and IF not the parent should.....

    I agree with you entirely Tia ... YOU are not there to clean up after children because I am sure you have other duties...

    maybe you need to make a sign




    A responsible way

    To spend the day"

    LOL though .. we both know that ain't gunna work .. don't we :(

  7. Yes the children if old enough should pack away the toys, or if they are still little the parents should do it for them. But if you have that much of a problem with it why dont you put a polite sign up in the play area saying something to the effect of "parents, as a courtesy to others please make sure the toys are tidied up after use" thank you.

    If you arent prepared to take steps to try to solve the problem, dont complain about it.

  8. people are asses so in turn so are their kids... you wouldnt just sit their and watch a dog s@#t on your carpet if the owner wasnt doing something about it, you watch the kids that go in there and make sure you tell them to clean up before they leave if you dont feel comfortable post it

  9. maybe something miner but if they take off the cushions on lounges etc ask the parents politely if they can clean up the mess and control their children

  10. Um, yea.  If your kid plays in a public space, they should clean up after them.  It's like when they're adults and they go into a public space...they are still expected to clean up after themselves.  

    I don't have as much patience as you, I'd be making parents clean it 10x a day...

  11. They should clean up after their own kids- but they don't! I can so relate! Some parents can be so rude and thoughtless. I've worked in cafe's where the parents just sit there doing nothing while their little darlings open sugar packets and pour them on the floor for me to clean up!

    I suppose they must think they have to clean up after their kids at home, so they let them go crazy making mess when they are out, because its someone else's problem!

  12. Yes, I have six kids and I always make sure we leave a clean area- be it a restaurant, doctor's office, etc. I have a rule- when you're done playing with these toys, put them away before getting another set out. This really helps because when we are called back for our appointments then they can put what they're playing with away quickly and the nurse doesn't end up having to wait for us. It also speeds up the clean up process at home!

  13. I don't have kids yet, but I know exactly what you're talking about.

    I worked at a JEWELRY store, where you're not really supposed to bring your kids anyhow, and this woman brought in four children who all had snacks. By the time she'd finished looking around the store, there was trash EVERYWHERE. Like pushed into little areas and under pamplets and such.

    I think parents are just either ridiculously tired, or simply too lazy (most are the first) to care what the kids do when it's not in their house.

  14. I think all kids should be made to clean up after themselves because after all they are suppose to grow up and become part of our community and parents that don't teach their children to are being irresponsible.

    I have worked in many places that have children playgrounds what upsets me is seeing other children made to clean up by their responsible parents when they didn't make the mess.

  15. Try posting a sign asking parents to tidy up after their children so that the play area is in good order for others.  That might work.

  16. I don't have any children but I know what you mean. I am a Teacher and sometimes we have parent conferences in our classrooms after school, parents bring their other children with them and when they leave some don't return the items to the shelves.  Which is why when i visit my doctor's office  even though I don't have children help clean the play room. Not only does only take a sec. It makes the environment more child friendly and makes it easier on the other hospital staff I just wish others would join in with us it would make both or jobs much easier. LOL

  17. Yeah!  I have 6 young kids and I always make sure they are being quiet and playing tidely in the play area.

    When I am invited into the surgery/office I say 'just a minute' and quickly clean up.


  18. YES, I always cleaned up my kids mess.  Actually I got the kids to help me clean up their mess in any play area.  I don't think the receptionists or any one else should tidy up the mess made by children visiting.  Their parents should be responsible.

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