
Cleaner shrimp???????????????????

by Guest44616  |  earlier

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ok so i wanted to get a cleaner shrimp cuz they jump on ur hand and clean the dead skin cells off but i was wondering how long does a tank NEED to be setup for before i get one? also what are the care reqs for it?




  1. If your planning to get any shrimps to clean that fish tank they would probably not even get a chance to clean it all, since it's bait to fish and frogs!

  2. IMO the tank should be running with liverock for a couple of months before adding one.

    How big is your tank, how are you filtering it and what stock do you have in it?

  3. Though you will likely get a myriad of answers here as far as time, I wouldn't recommend adding marine inverts (other than perhaps smaller hermit crabs) to any marine tank that hasn't fully cycled and stabilized (2 - 3 months).

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