
Cleanest drinking water I can find in a city?

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I just found out that water from plastic bottles is not that great. That plastic could be contributing to my illness. But I can't think of any other way to get clean drinking water.

I live in a city and tap water seems like even worse cause it even tastes like chemicals. What do I do now?




  1. I would have to agree with louise. Distilled water

  2. try distilled water with a pinch of Celtic salt and shake a bit (bottle should not be completely full it will taste better with the shaking and dissolves the salt.

    You could be reacting to the plastic but there is way less contamination with the distilled water.  Buy it where fresh steam distilled water is sold.  Often you can bring your own container so you can bring glass.  the turn over is high there.

    I use this type of water to drink (number 1 plastic does not glass off as much as other types) so check if you do get plastic it is in number 1 plastic and the water is not stored where the sun can hit is (some places store the spring and distilled water in the sun. They have NO clue they are bugging up the water for those that are sensitive

  3. you drink out the tap because it's perfectly safe

    EDIT tap water won't cripple you slowly or at all. get a grip.

  4. Your best bet is to get a reverse osmosis filter attached to a carbon block system.  I know multipure produces good quality filters, but there are plenty of other companies that do as well (multipure just is the only one I'm familiar with).

    Distilled water is actually terrible for your health.  It has such a strong osmotic pressure that it will just pull nutrients out of your body.

    Minx is right about fluoride, unfortunately the only two filters which can remove it are RO and distillation; of which I personally advocate RO.

    Hope that helps!  If you get an RO system you'll definitely notice a huge change in the quality of water, and it's cheaper than bottled water (which is of inferior quality to begin with!).

  5. Fluoride is more than likely in your tap water and is a protoplasmic mutagenic poison and an enzyme poison in the same class as cyanide, oxalate or azide, which means that it is capable of a very wide variety of harmful effects, even at low doses. The American Clinical Toxicology of Commercial products (5th edition) rates fluoride only slightly less toxic than lead !!

    There is little margin before serious effects occur and the human body does not require this type of fluoride for any normal biochemical process.

    Adverse effects are documented on kidneys, the immune system, bone, brain, pineal gland, thyroid, reproductive system and gastrointestinal tract.

    7 Countries have reversed fluoridization as a result of studies done ....... unfortunately, Australia isn't one of them.

    Check out this link:

    To ensure you are getting the cleanest possible water you could preserve both yours and your loved one's vitality and health by getting a faucet-mounted water filter such as a Britta filter that uses carbon-filtering to remove fluoride, chlorine ~ which is a big vitamin E thief and we all know how vital vitamin E is for heart health..., and remove other nasty sludge. filtered water or distilled water is also another clean sludge free option.

    The best way, though, to avoid all the nasty toxic sludge they put in our water supply is to drink only pure spring water ~ if you can afford it that is................... :0)

    Makes no sense to me whatsoever to have this rubbish in our water....... it's a neurotoxin, toxic industry waste, and if they had to dispose of it they would have to fork out billions of dollars to legally do so ................ hence the mumbo jumbo scientific hocus pocus studies surfaced back in the 1940's to support their bogus claims that the toxic version of fluoride that they put in our water is good for your bones and teeth......... they're basically laughing all the way to the bank, our cities and councils actually pay for this toxic sludge to "purify" our water !! Proof of the pudding is in the eating though, i wonder whether the President or Prime Minister drinks tap or filtered water?? ......... it's even been shown in scientific studies to actually cause dental caries !!


    Any good health food store should be able to supply you with a good quality spring water ......  if they can't they will surely be able to direct you to the most reputable organisation that can supply you with it in glass containers or otherwise..;0)

    hope this helps buddy

    peace 2 u

  6. a water filter on your sink maybe? or just boil the water and cool it before you drink it....

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