
Cleaning a Goldfish?

by  |  earlier

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Hello, my son has a goldfish tank that he has not been taking care of. I went in his room today and noticed that it's been about 4 weeks since it was cleaned, as I was the last one to clean it and he obviously hasn't.

I took his tank and cleaned it, and thought the fish would be dirty as well. What should I use to wash him? I have him sitting in hot water after I scrubbed him with soap, but that doesn't seem enough.






  1. i don't think you can actually wash a goldfish because it's so delicate and small and everything

  2. Hmm odd.I have never heard of cleaning a fish.Soap kills them-or so I have seen in movies or shows like "Full House",lol.Just get a filter.This will keep the tanks clean and prevent it from clogging up and getting nasty.There is also this water purifier that you can get at pet stores.Ask someone who works there or go online.You pore like 2 drops [depending on the size of the tank] and it keeps the water clear and makes tap water healthy and okay for your community fish to live in.[gold fish are community fish] My sister has fish and they have lived in some pretty nasty water [before she got her filter] but they are fine now.

    How old is your son? I advice that you stress the fact that he needs to take care of his fish.Make sure to feed them but don't over feed them!! If he is little then I suppose he doesn't know any better,you should let him know how important it is.Good luck.


    Wait,did you already "clean" the fish?? If you have then it is going to die. O-O I think. Most likely.They are too delicate.No offense but if you're a father how can you be so...I don't want to say stupid but that was pretty fricken stupid.Sorry.

  3. i think your question is fictitious, and you are trying to get a rise out of us animal lovers. No one would be stupid enough to scrub a fish with soap and put him in hot water. At least I hope.


  5. How can the fish get dirty?????????

  6. byebye goldie

  7. You've gotta be kidding me. Seriously, do you think anyone would believe that someone would be that stupid?

  8. Please, please, please be a troll.

  9. next time you think about taking a new goldfish (the "next time" will come very soon), take a plastic goldfish and put in your tank. it will be better for everyone.

  10. this must be a joke, your soaking a fish in hot water & soap? its going to die by the way.

  11. Hmmm... You washed him with soap?!?!?!?! He'll die soon! (Could be the tank you washed though!! (Question is a bit confusing)). You can 'rinse' your fish in a few bucketfuls of clean treated water. Don't scrub him or touch him at all - he'll die. You should only clean the tank with clean tap water - no soap! Rinse it thoroughly if you DO happen to use soap. Once you re-set everything back up, dose with aquarium bacteria, and don't worry if it clouds up a bit - it'll clear soon.

    Good luck.

    P.S. Don't scrub your LIVE fish with soap!  

  12. You might as well have flushed it down the toilet.
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