
Cleaning a pond?

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Hi I own a 1-2 acre pond filled with bass, catfish, bluegill, yellow perch, white crappie, trout and possibly Pike... but the water is very dirty!!!!!!!!! What can I buy to clear it up and where?!?!?!?!?!




  1. this isnt a sports question

  2. grass carp and suckers might help - the other fish would keep them under control.

    Dirty?  What do you mean - alot of algae or stained (rusty) water?  Or just a muddy bottom?  Help us out here....

  3. A product called Pond Clarifier, and maybe some HUGE pumps to keep the pond aerated and algae free.

    Circulation is key! You can also Google Ray Scott, founder of BASS, as he has equipment made for just this, a healthy and clean lake/ pond keeps fish alive, and I fish.

    It's sports related, so deal with it lady. :D
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