
Cleaning betta's tank...WITHOUT ruining the bubble nest??

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My brother and I got bettas like a week ago and it started making bubble nests...i need help.

1. Do they NEED females? Or are they ok without females?

2. HOW DO YOU CLEAN THE TANK WITHOUT DISTURBING THE BUBBLE NEST??? (I have a 1/2 gallon tank...i know people say i should get a bigger tank...but my betta fish likes it)

3. What does the bubble nest mean? I mean like, people say that it means that it wants a female? Or some say it means it's happy and healthy?? WHAT DOES IT MEAN!?!

Please answer all 3 questions...thanks!!!




  1. A week in not enough time to judge if the fish is healthy in your tank.  A 1/2 gallon is not large enough for any living creature.  It won't be long until the stress of the small container will start to show.

    They do not need a female.  They cannot live with a female and a female is only introduced for a short period of time for breeding and definitely not in a 1/2 gallon bowl.

    You don't need to save the bubble nest.  I has no purpose and if your fish will start a new one.  They only create it out of instinct not necessity to them.

    The bubble nest means you have a fish that likes to make bubbles.  Some males do it constantly and others have little interest.


  2. i would get a female.

    ruining bubble nests arent serious at all.

    when he makes the bubble nest, that pretty much means he wants a female to, well ya know. (;

  3. 1. they do not need females, unless you want to breed them.

    2. don't worry about the bubble nest, they will rebuild the nest.

    3. Males will build a bubble nest, when they are in their best conditions. They do not necessarily mean that they want a female, but more like they are heathy and ready to mate and take on the role of fatherhood.

  4. No they dont need females

    I dont think you're able to clean it without disturbing it, your betta however will indeed be happier with a bigger environment.

    The bubblenest suggests within itself that it's ready to mate (not that it WANTS a female). It also does mean that it's happy and healthy. I suggest that if you know nothing about breeding, please dont put a female in. Dont be too fussed about ruining the bubble nest whilst cleaning, he wont mind, he'll just build another one!

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