
Cleaning fish tank?

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i just bought 2 foish for my fish take its is a 1 gallon tank. this is it ... but i was wondering how often i should clean it.. i htink it has a filter, but i dont know if it is working, also i dont have a netso how do i clean it. I aslo bought some drinkuing water in a gallon jug can i use that?




  1. mate i take it ur only starting out

    thats a great tank but its a very small tank u wont fit much more than 3/4 very small fish we're talking neon tetras (tropical) if even, sure the filter would take up the space of 1 fish considering u would have a limited amount of room and it looks like platys (tropical) in the picture which u'd need a heater aswell and if ur only starting let me tell u its a great hobby and u'll definitly upgrade 2 a larger tank i suggest starting wit a 20/30 gallon tank look up on the type of fish u want and base it around the fish and its needs

  2. BAD IDEAl....I did this the first time I had fish with disastrous results. 2 fish is way too many for one gallon. I had 2 goldfish at a time in mine and a most died but then I had 2 who lived about a year by some miracle. I didnt know anything about the nitrogen cycle at the time. If you dont know about the nitrogen cycle you MUST look it up or you will have LOTS of dead fish. You must cycle your tank but cycling a 1 gallon tank is extremely difficult because it is almost impossible to control water parameters in such little water. Bigger tanks are easier to manage believe it or not. Please SERIOUSLY consider getting at least a 5 gallon tank for your 2 fish. They will not be happy at all in one gallon. The money you invest in the tank will save you lots of money in dead fish. i dont even know why they sell one gallons.  I think it's so that you keep coming back to spend money to replace all the fish that die in it. Water changes must be partial water changes, you cant just take the fish out and change all the water. This disrupts the nitrogen cycle and shocks the h**l out of your fish and will likely kill me I know. I learned the hard way.

  3. Clean it about 1nce a month. Drinking water is fine but if you use tap water buy water cleaner. and just pour the fish into a different bowl

  4. what ype of fish? no matter what fish you have, 1g is WAYYYY too small. if u have goldies a 40 galloin tank is required for just the 2 of them.

  5. First of all, a one gallon tank is barely enough for one fish, let alone two.  Fish need swimming space and one gallon is just not enough.  

    You will need to clean it every 2-3 days if the filter doesn't work.  You will need to buy a net.  I'm not sure about drinking water but you will save money on the water just by using tap water and buying some conditioner/dechlorinator for it.  

    If you can't afford the basic things for fish maintenence then maybe you shouldn't have fish.  A net is only a couple of dollars and conditioner isn't expensive either.
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