
Cleaning - ???? job??

by Guest33687  |  earlier

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I was given a job as i cleaner and i have to clean these shallays, And they give me like 10 to do a day and then when im finshed they give me more, the thing is its my first job, But im not really enjoying it i am 18 and you think i should quit, what would you do?




  1. Think about what comes naturally to you and aim for a job that will develop that instinct. Many people end up miserable in jobs because its not what they are cut out for. Take time to think what you would really like to do, stir up that dream, become passionate about it and push the doors to see it happen. You could carry on the job your doing until you know where you are aiming. Knowing it is only temporary might help.

  2. Not enjoying your job, boy, you must be the only one eh.

  3. its a job i dont think youre really supposed to love your first job but if they dont pay well and you really hate it then id quit

  4. If you are being paid, hang onto the job. Believe me, that will look far better on your resume than jumping from job to job on a whim- which in today's economy you can't really do any more anyway.

    If you are truly unhappy, make sure you have something well set up and ready for you before you turn in your notice.

    Good luck.

  5. work there untill i found a new job
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