
Cleaning my cartilage piercing?

by  |  earlier

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i just got my cartilage recently on friday with a gun

(yes yes i know, go ahead & rant.)

im very paranoid of getting it infected

& a keloid, or whatever that is

so i clean it often with the claire's antibacterial thingg

like, whenver i accdientally touch it, or shower, etc. etc.

i just wanted to know

is cleaning it often bad for the piercing?

thanks in advancee. (=

also, the way i clean it

is i take a q-tip & drench it with the antibacterial

clean the front, back & inside

and twist

is this correct?




  1. that's exactly what i did for mine and it never got infected.

  2. Blair - You're proud to say you work at Claire's when you pierce people's cartilage with guns?!


    Christeezy - Just follow the other four answers above me (minus Mr. Claire's Man)...they know their stuff :)


  3. What you want to do is use a COTTON BALL. This will get the most solution into the piercing. I work at Claire's.

    Also- use OUR SOLUTION. It's gentle and effective, I hate it when people assume they know more than us and think it's bad for you....?!

    Cleaning it a lot is fine, clean it as much as you want. That's what I do, and I've had 8 successful piercings. For more info, watch our aftercare video:

  4. i got mine done at claires like a month ago and i know how u feel i clean it all the time too i dont think its bad

    and thats also how i clean mine

    hope i helped!

  5. I wont rant but I'll tell you your going to be extra careful with this piercing, so as not to get a keloid (happens alot to gunned cartilages)

    The best thing to clean it with is a solution of warm water and sea salt. You should dip the q tip in this solution clean the bar and ear with it. Make sure to get any lymph off of the bar. Also, you should get a cup and soak your ear in the cup full of this solution. It helps drain gunk from the piercing. Hot compresses are also really good for piercings so you should do these too. Just get some tissue, soak in hot water and apply to the piercing holding it there for about five minutes or so.

    You should clean the piercing twice daily and do the compresses once to twice daily. No more but no less. If you clean it too much its bad for the piercing, if you dont clean it enough, its also bad for the piercing.

    Try not to touch it, and when you clean your ear throughly clean your hands first.

    It shouldnt get infected if you treat it well. And if it does keloid, you can get emu oil to lessen it. However, I think the gun will have increased your chances of getting a keloid, you should try not to worry yet, just clean it and be good to it.

    Good luck!

  6. cleaning it often is not bad for the piercing although you really don't need to. i have this piercing and i clean it in the morning and at night.

    it sounds like you clean it correctly but i would recommend either witch hazel or just normal salt in warm water if you use that make sure the salt is dissolved before cleaning. these options are also cheaper than the claires stuff and works just as well.

    don't worry about it getting infected it won't as long as you clean it and wear the right jewellry (titanium is the best)

    hope i helped (:

  7. First off get rid of the claire's ear solution that was provided to you, that c**p isn't good for piercings. All your piercing needs is warm sea salt soaks on it atleast 2-3 times a day for 5-10 mins. Also while taking a shower you can rinse the area w/ antibacterial soap such as Dial. That is all you need to prevent an infection. Don't play with or touch your piercing especially with dirty hands. As for getting it done w/ a gun, that wasn't a good idea, there can be a chance of you getting hypertrophic scarring (flesh colored bump) since guns can easily shatter caritalge causing infection and delayed healing period.Good Luck

  8. Over cleaning can be bad for your piercing because it does not allow your body to heal but rather keeps the wound open. You do not want to stop cleaning it tho! Twice to three times daily should be fine. Your cleaning method sounds fine make sure your rinsing with warm water after the soap tho. Also you might consider doing noniodized sea salt soaks for your ear once a day or every other day or simply if you think its getting infected.

    Take a pinch of noniodized sea salt in a small cup of hot/warm water.

    Soak a cotton ball in the solution and press it to your piercing and hold it there (soaking it) until the cotton ball becomes cold and repeat with for the back of your piercing.

    Keloids are not as common as people think but because you got your piercing done with a gun the chance of hypertropic scarring is higher  but this kind of scarring can go away if treated properly learn more at

    Guns are also not as sanitary as needles a piercer uses (if they are a true professional) and are actually very hard to clean so it can actually be the cause of a piercing getting infected. Just remember next time it might cause you less grief. :)

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