
Cleaning pebbles in fish tank bad or good?

by  |  earlier

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here are my questions (please answer all!!!):

1. when you clean the you rinse the pebbles with water?

2. do you have to rinse pebbles? (because my betta, peach, usually leaves leftovers...a little...)

3. tools i need for cleaning betta fish tank (AND NO I DO NOT HAVE A FILTER SO YEAH.)

4. Anyway of cleaning pebbles? (you know do you rinse or whatever...)

thanks all!!! please help me make a better cleaner tank for my betta. :D




  1. Yes, when rinse the pebbles because Bubbles (my Betta) tank I clean the pebbles cause he sometimes has his well yeah you get the point =).

      I use a toothbrush and just water because if some msoap was left behind it could harm him. I just scrub the pebles rinse and repeat and then pour them back in stick bubbles back in and hang his tank back up! Good luck cleaning the tank =)  

  2. since your talking about a bowl and not a tank in eather case you should not wash or rince the pebbles or gravel it holds the needed bacteria to prevent excess food and fish waste from turning into ammonia they do make an electric gravel cleaner that will pull the crud from the pebbles and help clean it when doing a complete cleaning of the bowl pour the water and pebbles into a colender do not rince and then put the gravel back into the bowl add water that has been declornated so that you do not kill off the bacteria  

  3. 1) yes

    2) it is better to rinse the pebble at least once a month or the ammonia level could rise and this is not good for your fishes health

    3) you dont need any special tools, use a bucket, a sink and your hands :)

    4) simply rinse them under water, DO NOT use soap or any toxic product that could kill your fish

  4. on first buying pebbles i boil them,they are rotten and i find this the best way to clean them,then rinse several times in cold water before putting it tank,in an established set up,i find a gravel cleaner to be sufficient,you just syphon the water up and kinda hoover the gravel,easy,glass cleaners,such as sponges or magnets work wonders,but i would suggest a filter of some kind as otherwise the water pollutes rather rapidly and will end up suffocating your fish.

  5. 1 no I usually only clean my rocks once a month in my 20 gallon

    2 if it in a bowl yes but only once a week

    3 really just a sink water and water conditioner maybe a sponge and a towl

    4 I usually just dump them it to the sink with the drain closed and use my hands then drain the water and repeat!

  6. Well, if you just bought them you should rinse them with warm tap water to get the dust off. But if they have ben in with a fish for a while, then don't rinse them. If you rinse them it might start over the cycling process. If you need to get rid of leftovers, get a snail. They will eat any leftovers your betta leaves, if he doesn't leave enough you can feed the snail algae tablets.  

    Oh yes, I forgot to say the cleaning tools you will need! a small mit that goes over your hand to scrape algea off the sides of the tank, but if you have a snail that will not be much of a problem!

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