
Cleaning saxophone with flute/clarinet maintenance kit?

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I had borrowed my tenor saxophone from a friend (who lives across the country; it was a HUGE favor and I will pay her back somehow eventually). When I sent it away, I left my maintenance kit in the case.

Now I have rented a brand-new tenor saxophone that is just gorgeous. I want to get my hands on it and start playing right away ;-). The problem is, the only maintenance kits I have are flute and clarinet. Would it be all right, just once, to clean the saxophone with that?

In shorter terms:

Would it be OK to clean a tenor saxophone with a flute or clarinet maintenance kit, or should I wait until I can buy a tenor saxophone maintenance kit?




  1. It's up to you,do you want to rent or buy it?

  2. Well, you really don't need a "special" kit.

    All you need to clean your instrument is some cloths, a couple swabs, and warm water.  Try not to saturate the pads.  Yes, they are made to withstand a level of moisture from playing, but try to keep them nice and dry... you don't want them to get waterlogged because then you will be replacing pads in no time!

    If you're really worried about disinfecting (in the neck and mouthpiece, for example), you can use just a little hydrogen peroxide... don't use too much, and make sure to rinse it off.  Also a great way to disinfect your mouthpiece is a NON WHITENING denture cleaner... again, just rinse it off well.

    For shining up your sax, you don't need to use chemicals or polishes... just get one of those yellow dusting / polishing cloths from your local grocery store- they work great!

    Most "maintenance kits" are universal, with the exception of something like bore oil (used on wooden clarinets), and really it's just a way for the music companies to make more money.  You can build your own "universal kit" for fairly cheap.

    All you need to start with is a swab, valve oil (works on screws and pins for keys), jewelers screwdrivers, non-toothed pliers, glue (for pads, etc), and as mentioned above, cigarette paper.  This'll get you started, and if there's anything else you need, you can add it as you go.  

    And one extra note: please, please, PLEASE don't shove metal rods (or coat hangers) down your instrument... one little slip and you could damage the inside bore, which effects tone and pitch greatly!

    Instead, use a swab, or tie a weighted string to a thin hankercheif (make sure it'll fit without bunching and getting stuck).  My clarinet is valued at around $4,500.00 and I would be livid if it got even the tiniest knick on the inside from metal poking through a cloth!

    Just use common sense, and enjoy your new horn! Happy playing! :)

  3. It should be okay. My husband and I both have many instruments (several saxophones, flute, clarinet, trumpet, guitars, keyboard, piano, etc.) and have never even used a "maintenance kit".

    For any woodwind, you can clean with a soft rag (inside and out--use a long skinny piece of metal to push it through--even a bent-open coat hanger will work). For finger pads cigarette rolling papers work better than anything we've ever tried. Hold a paper between the pad and the instrument, push the key shut firmly but not so tightly the paper tears, and drag the paper through.

    I would never wait to play an instrument because I didn't have the right cleaners. Get out that sax and play, play, PLAY! :)

  4. it would probably be ok if you do it once or twice until you get your maintainence kit

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