
Cleaning up after toddler!?

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How the h**l do I stop my daughter (19mths) from dragging food around the house!!??!?!? Our carpet is disgusting!!!! She sits in a high chair and throws food on the floor, which gets in my feet - i can't clean up in time for her not to walk through it!




  1. My daughter used to do that, so I only give her small portions and make her sit in her highchair or at her little table.  It helped a lot.

  2. Don't allow her so much food at one time, put down a plastic tarp below her chair, don't let her out until the food is cleaned up?

  3. try sitting down on the floor with your daughter(if you have time)when its time to eat, make it a routine and after a while she will start doing it on her own and that will stop the mess,well that is what i did for my toddler

  4. I really don't want to be cocky here but we got a puppy dog for my son for his first birthday present.

    This dog is a really good vaccuum cleaner...  She gets most of it out.

    If you can't have a dog, think about spreading the last week newspapers around the high chair.

    PS I still can't understand this attraction about "carpets", this is not hygienic at all.

  5. As soon as she throws food, take her plate away - meal-time is over.  Then, make her sit in her highchair until you are finished cleaning up the mess.  Wait at least 30 minutes before you let her eat in her highchair again.  If she throws her food, mealtime is over again.  She'll eventually be hungry enough to not throw her food.  Also, don't worry about her not getting enough to eat - her stomach is tiny and it takes very little to fill it up. Good luck!

  6. Limits are always necessary. But down the road, results of the learning process are determined by the methods used in teaching. I agree that removal of food and resulting hunger is not the right way to teach someone not to throw food. It would probably result in teaching the lesson, but the anger and frustration it could cause are a set-up for future dysfunction -- I think it's that simple. It's like spanking. Kids will often stop an action if they are spanked, but the resulting behavior and attitude towards life can be horrible for everyone, most of all the child. Talking, at any age, is better. Removal of the food for a few minutes and then returning it after talking would be better, if removal is the approach someone wants to take. Long-term or permanent removal should be reserved for items that are hurtful, such as playing with sticks in a park. Food doesn't come under this category. With patience, all theater antics of babies and children disappear -- they're a part of life. If dysfunctional behavior continues past the "stage" time limit, then of course it's another story -- and in that case we just get help

  7. put an old tawel next to her high chair

    and ONLY give her food in her highchair

    hope i helped

  8. I know it can be hectic, But don't allow her to have any food unless she is in her chair.  Don't let her down until you sweep up the floor around her.  It will take a few minutes, but it should prevent her from dragging it all over the house.  Good Luck  xox

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