
Cleaning your teeth for an hour?

by  |  earlier

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if i cleaned my teeth constantly for an hour what would happen.

would they look realy clean, or would they get worn down to stumps




  1. My guess is that it would wear the enamel on your teeth away. In other words, grind them down.

  2. so bad for you dont brush to much you take the fighting layer off and you will get major cafties you will brush away the tuff out side layer that protects from decay  

  3. the enamel would ware off.

    just brush them every day.

    if your trying to get them whiter just use a whitening tooth paste.  

  4. You will do what I did wear the enamel away and have to use special toothpaste because with no enamel on your teeth they become

    exquisitely sensitive to heat, cold, sweets etc. I ended up paying 12,000 to have them all crowned because the pain was so bad. Don't do it!!

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