
Cleansing product In eyes?

by  |  earlier

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Well, Long story, but.

It somehow goes like this :

i was washing my face with the clinique face wash before I actually washed my hair and all. And Then i went to shower and washed my hair. I thought I was all clean and all. Then, because of heart broken reason, I was crying. I realized somehow my tears were not salty, but, tastes like cleansing product. Then when I touched my tears, they were all sticky. And around my eyes, there were still sticky substance, I think, either shampoo or facewash. This has never happened before and I would like to know if It would damage my eye.




  1. Get some saline eye drops. Use them a couple of times a day for about 2 days. If they don't hurt, don't worry. If the pain increases, get to a doctor.  

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