
Clear Blue Digital BFN?

by  |  earlier

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Has anyone taken this test 3-4 days before AF and gotten a negative and actually been pregnant? I took it this morning and now I'm a little disappointed, although I haven't missed my period yet. This gives me a little hope, I guess.




  1. i asked a similar question to this about 22 weeks ago, i tested 4 days before and had a faint positive on a first responce and was unsure so took the clearblue digital it came back not pregnant, i took the 2nd and got the same result, id gone from excited to dissapointed within 10 minutes! i did a normal clearblue and got a faint positive and then was puzzled even more!! when you look at the bacl of the tests they tell you how sensitive they are before a period, on the digital it isnt as sensitve as the normal early tests, it took a further 4 days for a digital to show positive for me and im due in dec, my advice would be go and buy the regular clearblue or first responce and test in the morning, good luck x

  2. Digitals are notorious for giving false negatives, especially if you test a few days before AF is due. I would test in a few more days with a normal line-or-no-line test such as Dollar Tree (sensitive to 25mIU/hCG)

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