
Clear Blue Fertility Monitor Question! TTC 4months

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Hi, this is my 2nd month using the CBFM- I had my period of July 18th (30 day cycle) which means that I would usually ovulate on CD 15-16 but i'm on CD 19 with nothing! (I showed 2 bars this morning but I feel like my ovulation day should have been days before) could I still ovulate?

Before starting using the CBFM, I used the simple ovulation kits and I would usually have to test (Urine) in the afternoon to detect ovulation (which would occur) this is the first month that this sort of thing happened...




  1. My clear blue easy fertility monitor was unable to detect ovulation for me, and I double checked using the individual ovulation test.  I would suggest using both just in case.  Through this process, I discovered that I ovulate very late in the cycle (18th or 19th day).  Good luck and baby dust to you!  

  2. The exact same thing happened to me.  I didn't get my peak fertility until CD19 - and I got pregnant that month.  So just keep testing every day it asks.  This could be a month where you don't ovulate too - that's normal.  It can be very frustrating TTC, it took us a full year.  Good luck.

  3. I discovered I don't ovulate until day 18.  Maybe you won't ovulate this month.  It happens.  

  4. I am in the same boat as you! This is also my second month using it. Last month it said I ovulated on the 12 day of my cycle...AF then came on day 28. But this month I have had high reading since day 10 and I am now on day 18 still no Peak reading...ahhh, it is very frustrating!! But I have read and heard that the first month or two using the monitor are not that accurate because the monitor has to get used to your individual hormone levels...also I have heard of women getting pregnant the month that the monitor did not detect a peak reading.

    Keep trying and good luck:)  

  5. You should still try some woman do ovulate late if you have the two lines, go for it and good luck!

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