
Clear Retainer!!!!!!!! <span title="HELPme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">HELPme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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i got a clear retainer and i want to know do u have to brush your teeth everytime u are done eating to put it back on ??????????




  1. You Rock!!!!!!!!!

  2. no you don&#039;t

    you can just put it back in

  3. This is a question that I would most certainly ask your orthodontist about. Considering that the retainer will be up against your teeth and your teeth hasn&#039;t been cleaned it may attract a lot of germs. Call your orthdontist and ask for their personal opioin.

    *My personal,  opinon  is you need to brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth out with water.  

  4. no, when i had one i brushed it every night.  but when you take it out to eat DO NOT leave it on a napkin or somewhere you won&#039;t see it.  i left it on a napkin one time and someone threw it away

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