
Clear blue fertility monitor high but...POSITIVE OPK maybe???!!!!?(with pic)?

by Guest58264  |  earlier

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I have been using the clearblue fertility monitor and today it registered 'high' rather than peck however, i decided to try some normal OPK and got TWO POSITIVES!!!!!!

I taking clomid (100mgs) and can't believe it!!! Finally a positive....

I have a pic and was wondering if i could get some second opinions.

Please take a look (message me and i can send it to you) and let me know what you think!!!!


Good Luck to all TTC!!!





  1. Hi,

    If you have a high and a positive OPK then you should be doing the baby dance girl !!! GET off here, grab your man and go make babies :)

    Best of luck


  2. Oooh can't see the picture yet, but this all sounds fabulous. How exciting! Seems like ovulation will be in the next 12-36 hours but be sure to keep testing tomorrow. Often you won't get a peak on the FM in your first month of using it, so that's totally normal. Consider the final high day to be your peak for this cycle. Next month you'd get a peak (but of course, hopefully you won't need it :) Do e-mail me the picture and I'll get back to you!

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