
Clear blue ovulation kit!!!?

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has anyone on here got pregnant using the ovulation kit? did it even tell you when you were ovulating?




  1. I have tried it 3 months in a row--and it does tell you when you are ovulating--but guess what--I got my period again--so I give up on them--Obviously it doesnt always work--but it is worth trying once or twice to see if it works for you

  2. i've used the digital brand of clearblue easy and got pregnant the first time i've used them.clearblue easy products are great.

  3. it tells you when you have an LH surge.  you normally ovulate 12-36 hours after that.  it doesnt however tell you that you are ovulating or that you ovulated...just that you had the surge of hormones that normally makes you ovulate.  it takes away some of the guess work.  but you also have to remember that even with perfect timing and good fertility in both still only have a 20-25% chance og conceiving each month.  good luck and give it a try if you want.

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