So I'm gonna be 14 next month and starting high school. I already wear eyeliner (not on a daily basis tho) and lipgloss when I remember. I sometimes curl my eyelashes and put a little bit of very natural, browns on my eyelids (eyeshadow). I have those loonng italian eyelashes (so a curler works pretty well for me) and i wear glasses and EVERY TIME i use mascara, I look no different (im pretty lucky arent i?) wen i blink the mascara gets all over my glasses. I've given up on blacks and browns cuz then i look like i'm wearing too much wen i already look like i'm wearing it wen im not. I kinda wanted to try out clear mascara cuz i heard it wont look like "too much" but it will still b mascara! my mom and i searched EVERYWHERE! grocery/drugstores, rite-aid, longs, and even high-end makeup stores; sephora, everything! and we can't find it anywhere. if u guys could please tell me some good brands and where to get them that would b great! thx alot for all ur help!
PS: if any1 has any other makeup and other tips for me i would appretiate them! (dont worry i was always sensible with makeup so my mom trusts me now and will let me wear it cuz she knows me and she knows i wont do too much. so there r no boundarys wen giving me makup tips.